Friday, May 19, 2023

Workin' Away!! Memorial Day Weekend Sale Opens in One Week!! YIKES!!!!!

Workin' on The Gazebo... again, today.
; )
{Shouldn't have had all of that Wine, last night. 
; )
Never... should sip Wine, when I'm angry.
{My New Rule.}
Always... leaves a bad taste in my mouth. 
 Been being so Good, but... 'Near Death Experiences'... on 151, have a way of 
Grinding... on me. ZING!! : ) }

Making plans for Jack's Birthday Party, tomorrow... then, heading to Minnesota.
Pickin' up a Load.... for The Memorial Day Weekend Sale!
{May 26-29
101 Williams Blvd. Fairfax, Iowa.}
; )
Thought my Friend lived in Wisconsin...nope, Minnesota.
; )
She's about 3 hours away, it'll be a long day... but, a Good One.
It's been Far Too Long, since I last visited her, and her Lovely... Home.
; )

Just received the below comment, on FB.
: )
: )

I MISS Those Days!!
: )

Can't Wait... to See Heather... and Everyone.
Reminded Heather... she'll have to DIG!!
; )
The Place... isn't what it used to be, but... we'll muddle through.
: )

I'm doing a 'No Make Up'... Day, today.
{Not used to that Wine... anymore. oh dear. }
; )
{Hope nobody stops by. I'd probably scare 'em to death!!}

I'd like to get The Gazebo pulled together... today, so we can fill it up on Sunday.
Helper, Brandon... is coming here, Sunday... to help me unload the Trailer.
; )
Have some Fun Things... from Gold Rush.
Heavy... Things.
oh my.
; )

Better grab another cup of coffee, and get back to it.
; )

Love to Ya...
Prayers for All.

Barb C.

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