Thursday, May 18, 2023

here we go.

Haven't posted for a day, but... I really did.
; )
actually wrote two 'drafts' yesterday.
Didn't post them.
; )
I'll save them for The Book.
; )

The Fountain... in the front Greenhouse, is Truly...
Doin' It's Thing.
It's like it's Own... little World.
I remember... long, long... ago, some Men came through The Rabbit Hole, and said...
"Ya know... there are chemicals that will stop that Moss... from growing. It'll keep your fountain Crystal Clear."
: )

I...uh, just smiled. 

What they didn't understand, couldn't understand...
it's the 'Moss'.... 
that brings me so much Joy.

If Folk's are seeking 'perfection'... down The Rabbit Hole, well...
They'll never... ever...
 find it here.
; )

It's pretty Free Spirited, around Home.
Vines... Volunteer Strawberries, Raspberries, Bittersweet... Wild Grape, Dandelions, Ditch Lilies...  Clematis, Morning Glory... 
that are so Incredibly Beautiful.

We don't use chemicals around here. 
Never have.
Mother Nature... is The Best Decorator.
She's Amazing.

Worked in The Gazebo, today.
{'Memorial Day Weekend Sale' is coming Fast.
May 26, 27, 28 & 29.}

John's Old Oak's...'Face'... had taken a tumble, with the last big storm.
I... put his 'Face'... back on, this afternoon.
: )
{The Kids... gave John the 'Face'... for The Old Oak, decades ago... for Father's Day.}
Reset... John's favorite old metal lawn chair, too.
It's so rickety. : )
Has been since day one, when I dragged it Home.
John... was always going to tighten it up... so I could sell it, but, he never did.
; )
He'd sit in it... 'as found'...
 oh my.
 : ) 
I... was worried every time he did.
: )
I believe John Purposely... never tightened it up.
; )
He Liked It, just the way it was.... and... didn't want it to sell to anyone.
; )

It's Priceless.
; )

Remember... when I wrote about talking with IDOT District 6, about the 'Turning Lane'... they put in, with their new 'Design'... for 151.
Was worried, if they didn't slow the speed limit, and... added more Turns, on 151, we'd be in trouble?
Told them... "That 'Turning Lane'... will become a 'Passing Lane'."
District 6's response... 
"That's Illegal."
; )
Told the District 6 Engineer, back then... {before ground was broken} 
I was so sorry, for bringing my concerns up... because, we all know...
Obeys The Law.

Yesterday... me, and Jethro... nearly, were hit head on, by a Truck, and Trailer... that decided to pass a car, that had slowed for a car that was turning right...
 In the Passing Lane. Oooops, 'Turning Lane'.

Gratefully... Old Jethro, is Quick.

I caught the name of the Company Truck, that nearly wiped us out.
Hard to miss.
His door, was very... very... close, to Jethro's Driver's Door.
Praise God, there wasn't anyone, at that split second... in the 'Through', Southbound Lane, Jethro and me...
steered Hard, Into.
; )
Had there been, you'd be reading about all of 'this'...
{Great Place... for a Bike Trail.... IDOT, Fairfax. ; )
Bless Your Hearts. 
{Probably should've conducted a 'Safety Study'... before spending MILLION'S of Dollars. ; )}

Yep... I'm still a little 'Shook'.
: (
Wait... until Ya Read The Book.
; )


Love to Ya...
Prayers, for All.

Barb C.

{Wonder... when IDOT is gonna Fix The Drainage, around Home? Those Black Hoses, 'Temporary'... Fixes, are gettin' Old. ; ) 

It's Time... to Lower a Bridge. 

We Have a Deal.
Recorded Agreement.

I Gotta Tell Ya, dealing with IDOT, {Fairfax} is a Far Cry... from Dealing with Folks, in the Antique World.

Trust... is Everything, in The Antique World.
If... IDOT, or Fairfax, Iowa City Hall...
were in my 'World'
The 'Antique World'....
: )
they wouldn't last long.}

Bless their hearts.

{ All the more Reason, we need to keep The Truckasaurus around. }

That Truck, and Trailer... from Walford, Iowa... wouldn't have stood a chance against The Bull Bars, on The Ford Truckasaurus, yesterday.
All me, and Jethro... had goin' for us, yesterday...
that saved our lives...
'Quick', and... Luck. 
Too bad, engineers... don't listen. If they'd only... put their feet on the ground, before they put their pencils on paper, and... spend so much money. 
Common Sense, really can't be taught... it seems.
Nor... can
Guessin'....'Values' begin long before college degrees.
or not.

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