Sunday, May 21, 2023

Honey.... I'm Home.

Grandson, Jack...had a Lovely 6th. Birthday.

Kids... and Hounds.
; )


Left Jack's Party...
and Drove.
And... Drove.

The GPS was a MESS!!!
but we made it.
Pal, Janice... feeding Cows before we began to Load.
; )

So Incredibly Beautiful... where Janice lives.
I even heard a Whip-poor-will Singing... as she and I were loading.
Haven't heard one... for decades.

It was Great... visiting with Janice.
It was close to 10... when me, and The Ford pulled out for Home.
Long... Drive, Home.
; )
The GPS lost signal... when I finally got it up, it was a Woman's Voice...
speaking in French, through my phone.
; )

I had no idea how to fix that.
Kept goin'.
That little French Girl... took me, and The Ford...
down some mighty curvy, hilly... Winding Roads.
Back Roads.
Big Time.
Some... turned into gravel.
; )
Long... Long... Long.....
 Drive Home.
; )
; )
we made it.
: )

Love to Ya...
Prayers for All.

Barb C.

Tomorrow {Today... } is gonna be a long day.
; )
Helper, Brandon.... is gonna be here around 10, to help me unload The Ford, and Trailer.
; )
It's 'Sale Time'. 
; )
Yeah... Boy!!
; )

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