Monday, May 8, 2023

Simply... Iowa.

Justin sent some images of  The Storm damage, from yesterday.
It's pretty bad, but... oh my, it could've been so much worse.
When Justin called, yesterday... as The Storm was bearing down... he was frantic.
It was quite a Storm.

Most of the windows on the North, and West sides... of his home are broken, along with their screens.
The roof took a hit, water was coming in through the bathroom ceiling.
The siding on the North, and West sides... of the house, look like they've been shot with a shotgun.
Windows are broken in the Side by Side, and Truckasaurus.
Trees, and limbs, are down.
The Deer Stand, that Justin's Friend, Eric, built, is a total loss.
Everyone is o.k.
Critters are too.

Pal, Dale... called yesterday, to see how the Kid's were, after The Storm.
Dale's Farm... is East of Justin's and Liz's.
Dale said... he saw it coming, and knew... anyone around Belle Plaine, was getting hit hard.

We talked, again... today.
Dale...offered to go help Justin.
{Liz, and Adam... didn't get hit. <3 }

Dale... has been through a Tornado, a Derecho... and Many... Big Storms, on his Farm.
He said... "They'll Scare The Heck Outta Ya!! You're Absolutely Helpless!!"
Justin... doesn't get rattled easy, he... was rattled.

So Grateful... for Justin's Awesome Neighbors!!
They were at Justin's... right away.
Helped tarp the roof, and board up windows.
Today... they worked on 'Clean Up'.
I was going to go... and help, but Justin said they had everything under control.
: )
'Worker Bees'.
Country Folk.

I worked on cleaning up... around Home.
Just branches down.
No major damage.
It was pretty ugly here, yesterday... but, nothing like what Justin got.

Friends, Patti, and Steph... took me out for a late lunch, yesterday.
We were in Walford, just a few miles South of Fairfax... we noticed The Storm building, to the West, and North.
It's strange... when you've lived in Iowa... for a long time,
 you can almost feel the energy of a Storm, before warning's are posted.
There's a feeling that comes over you... that tells Ya, 'It's time to pay attention'.
; )
We all felt it, but... we didn't rush, too much.
We, however... knew, when it was time to Ride.
; )

We were all in our Homes, safe... and... hunkered in, when it hit each of us.
We all saw it coming, just... didn't know it's severity.

The Storm hit in two waves.
The first... hit Justin's area.
The second... went further South, and East... of us.
Patti's Home, was in the second round's path.
She... lost a Tree, and branches.
Many, lost far more... around her.
: (

That 'Hail'... is quite a Pistol. 
When I saw what it did to Justin's wood siding, oh my.
If... you were caught in that, it would be like being shot.
: (

Talked with Justin 'J'... about 'The Storm', this morning.
; )
He's such a Brave... little Soul.
; )

Tuff as Nails.
; )
{I doubt he'll ever forget 'The Storm'.}

Love to Ya...
Prayers, for All.

Barb C.

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