Saturday, May 6, 2023

Birthday Gratitude.

Was having a difficult time, trying to decide what to 'Do'... with
this Birthday.
It's a Milestone.
: )
I've always taken my birthday, seriously.
I believe... we all should.
after all...
It's Our Day!!
: )
Do It Big!! Do it... small, 
Do A LOT... or, do nothing... at all.
: )
It's YOUR Day!!
: )

John, and me... kinda felt the same way, about Birthdays.
We didn't 'celebrate' them, really.... like most...
 but, took 'Birthdays' as our own, and would do what ever we pleased.
{That's a Gift, to ourselves... once a year, for sure. }

This one, thought... I might go stay at The Hotel Blackhawk, in Davenport, Iowa, it's so Beautiful.
but... there's been flooding in that area, so... didn't know what the situation might be.

I usually... over the years, just... take off, on my Birthday.
Drive... go to a Flea Market, go Antiquing... or, Visit... old Friends.
Usually, from the time I can remember..... spend it alone, or... with Critters.

Daughter, Liz... invited me to go with her.... and her Family, to a Car Show, up North.
Thanked her for the Invite, but.... 'Crowd's'... weren't something I wanted to deal with on 'My Day'.
: )
She Understood!!
; )

This Birthday... I really felt driven to say
'Thank You'
to my Dad, and finally...
visit Dad's Rock, his Grandmother...
Flora Belle {Shuck} Conner.

Went out early... yesterday morning, dug up some Lily of The Valley, to plant by their stones...
then... me... and Sally, hit the road.

Had a long chat with Dad... Thanked him, for Everything...
 and...told him he was invited to Ride With... 
to Derby, {his Hometown...} and Visit Great Grandmother, Flora Belle... Too!!

Derby, Iowa... is about two and a half hours South, and West... of Fairfax.
What a Beautiful Drive!!
Took two lane roads, all the way.

Swung through What Cheer, The Flea Market... was Packed!!
Didn't stop.
; )
Did hit a Garage Sale...had a nice visit with a very Kind... Man.
; )
Almost called Farmer Friend's, Lynn, and Lea... but, knew if I did, I'd never get to Derby.
: )

As I drove... looked at old buildings, and Big Trees.
Wondered... if any of them ever caught Dad's eye, as he traveled those same roads... back in the 1920's through 40's.
: )

Turned at the sign...
but, took a wrong turn, somewhere.... and wound up on Level 'B' Roads.
: )
Good Thing the Pony I was driving, Miss. Sally, is a pretty Adventurous little Girl.
Sure Footed.... too.
; )
{I'm Certain... Dad had a hand on putting us, there.
He'd probably... travelled Those Roads, a Million Times, with Horses, and Old Model 'T's. 
; )



: )

Had to steer Sally to the Far Right.
{Not 'our' usual course. ; ) <3 }
Straddle the Beaten Down... Deep Grooves, in the 'road' <3 
; )
Sally would've bottomed out, big time... had we stayed on 'The Beaten Path'.
; )

Found The Derby Cemetery.
Thanks So Much... to a Little Gal, who was mowing her lawn, along the highway, coming into Derby.
: )
Stopped and asked her.... for directions.
: )
She was so kind.
: )
She.... Got Us There!!

Somehow... Sally parked herself... nearly Next... to Flora Belle's Resting Place.
{Yes... I asked Sally... where we should 'begin' 'look' for Flora Belle. : ) 
Not a big cemetery, but... I could've walked a long time.}
Found her grave, in a few minutes.

<3 <3 <3 
: )
I'd Know It... 
; )
Couldn't hardly read it, but... I Knew It.

When I found Flora Belle's stone, knelt down... and started cleaning.
: )
Planted a little Lily of The Valley, from The Rabbit Hole, too.

Had a Lovely.... Visit, with Great Grandmother...
Flora Belle.

Thanked her for being such a Wonderful Woman, who... was truly Loved, and Admired, by her whole Family.
Thanked Her... for Making Dad... The Man, and Father... he was.
<3 <3 <3 
Flora's life... sure wasn't easy, just knowing the tiny snippet, that I've learned over the years.
So many struggles.
So...many losses.
Through them all...
Flora... took Care of Everyone.
So incredibly Hard Working, but...
Equally Hard Loving.

Somehow... I thought, Flora Belle... was the only member of our Family interred at The Derby Cemetery.
Looked around, after visiting with Flora Belle, and noticed more 'Shuck' Family.
{Flora Belle's Maiden Name.}

Chuck, {Charlie} was Flora Belle's Brother.
: )
I'd heard Dad... talk about Charlie, over the years.
: )

Peter, was her Dad. His name is misspelled, he was born in 1828, and passed away in 1912.
{I've been researching...them...this morning. ; ) }

Lillie May, was Flora's Sister.
She was only 19 when she passed away.
{Just found that out this morning, too.
I was trying so hard to make out the name on this stone, yesterday.
Finally... closed my eyes, and traced the engraving with my finger.
Then... I could make out 'Lillie'.}
; )

As I laid in the grass... beside Lillie's stone...
Incredible. Only heard Birds, and... the Wind... Singing, through The Trees. 
The Derby Cemetery... is the most Peaceful Place, I... can recall ever being.
{Dad... should Be 'There'. <3 Not in Fairfax.}
{Dad isn't in Fairfax. ; ) He's right where he should be. <3 }
Dad... would be Quite Amused... with 'Fairfax'. 
; )
{I Miss Dad, Every Day. He... was Quite a Character. ; ) }
that's why...
I had to make the drive... today, and Thank The Woman...  he Worshiped.
The Woman... who Loved... and Raised him, when his parents threw him and his brothers... away. 
Dad's parents left Rich, 2... Dad, {Marion W. Sr.} 4, and Ted... 6, for their Grandparent's to raise, back in about 1917.
Praise God.... they did.
<3 <3 <3 

While laying beside... Lillie's stone, soaking in The Sun... looked up at the Amazing Clouds.
{Thought of Dear Friend, Kate. <3 The last time I visited Kate, she shared an entire album with her Beautiful Pictures, of Clouds... she'd captured. <3 What a Blessing Kate was. <3 }

Walked around The Derby Cemetery... saw some Very... Cool Stones.


Derby, Iowa.

Not much... left there, anymore.

but... I, can See It, just as Dad did.
His Beautiful Stories, of growing up there... on The Farm, are Priceless.
Happy. Happy.
the... 'sad'... stuff, never came from Dad.
His Cousins, and Nieces,  over the years... have kind of filled me in.

Sadly.... I never got to meet Flora Belle, she passed away, the year I was born.
I... Knew Her.
: )

Visited Derby, only once... before.
It was in 1987, shortly after Dad passed away.
There was a Family Reunion there.
Dad... had looked so forward to being there.... he didn't make it.
I, don't remember much of that visit.
It was a horrible blur, without Dad... being there.

I've So Wanted To Get Back.
: )

What a PERFECT Birthday Gift.

Love to Ya...
Prayers, for All.

Barb C.

Below... is part of an article I found concerning Dad's Grandfather,
 Marion S. Conner.
{Flora Belle's Husband.}
: )
I'll have to find his Grave... the next time I can get to Derby.
Marion S., for some reason is buried in another Cemetery, close by.

Seems... The 'Walk About' Trait... Goes WAY Back!!!
; )

 seem to be a 'Conner' Tradition.
: ) : ) : )

Dad used to Fly.
; )
Seeing that old Plane... just as I was entering Lucas County, made me smile.
; )

So Many... People, 'Blessings'... crossed my mind, yesterday... as I drove.
oh my.
So Many... to be Grateful 'For', and... 'To', over this lifetime.
Said a BUNCH of  'Thanks'... to Many, as I drove yesterday.
Thanked God, especially... for Them All.

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