Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Gettin' Things... Buttoned Up.

Spent this day... 
Pickin' up, Packin' up... and Puttin' away.
; )
Memorial Day Weekend Sale  '23...
: )

It was Toasty... today.
Gratefully... had Helper, Brandon...
and Justin J... helping out.
: )
Still have much to do, as I'm going to be re-setting The Rabbit Hole.
That... will take TIME.
A LOT of Time.
; )

Yesterday... when Pal, Kevin... stopped by, we sat... and visited for quite a while.
He brought up this 'Mess'... here, IDOT...and Fairfax.
: (
It's difficult not to... knowing the 'Before'... and seeing the 'After', like Kevin... does.
So... incredibly sad.
{and... 'wrong'. }
: (
I...just sat under John's Old Oak... and listened.
Kevin knows 'The Story'.
He worries about me.
As I was listening to Kevie... the phone rang.
It was Fairfax, Iowa... 'City Hall'.
The 'Clerk'.
: (
I'm 'Invited'... to a meeting next Tuesday, at 8:30 a.m., at City Hall...
concerning More Taking... of our Land.
They are replacing a tiny... 25 foot bridge, and from what I've seen, with a 140 foot bridge.
Like the Massive Highway 151 Bridge.
; )

Kevie... went off.
Told me... that they are putting a noose around my neck, here... in Fairfax.
He... along with so many, who care about me... want me to move.
Get Out Of Fairfax.

Pal, Steph... said it long ago, concerning Fairfax, and IDOT.
"Death... by a Thousand Cuts".

Pal, Allyson... saw the horrible black tubes across the lawn, when she stopped by The Memorial Day Weekend Sale, and wondered what the heck they are.
Those... are the 'Temporary'... fixes, {two and a half years... later.} that IDOT never came back to fix.
Flooding... Flooding...Flooding.
The basement... is still in Ruins.
: (
Gratefully... we've had little rain, in the last two and a half years.
{Not... for The Farmers}

In the Evenings... this my view, while writing.
I look up, and see The Beautiful... Old, Locust Trees, through the windows, that wouldn't be, if it wasn't for our Amazing Lawyer.
{He's On This...All of This. Still. }
IDOT {Iowa Department of Transportation}
Would've Taken EVERY Tree... in front of our Home, and been 12 feet from our Home, had He not Stepped In.
oh my.
{My best advise... if, and when... 'IDOT'... or any Government entity, knock's at Your Door, wanting a little land...
Close the door.
 Then... pick up your phone, and call the Best Lawyer You Can Find, because... You're Gonna Need One.}

 Can't get into all of the details... I, just get to 'live'... in them.
{I'll write a Book, someday... concerning all of 'This'. Hopefully... Save Someone Else, this heartbreak.}

Pray for us.
We're fighting 'Goliath'. 
Six Years... of Fighting.
{St. Michael, is Front and Center. My Hero Angel. <3 }

Kevin... nearly had me in tears, listening to his concerns.
He's worried about me.
Me... too.
: )

Pal, Jacey... captured the below images, of Darling Girls, at The Memorial Day Weekend Sale.
My phone was tied up... playing Music.
There were So Many...
Wonderful... Fun Folks, at this Sale.
<3 <3 <3 


little Girl, oh my.
: )
She... and I, would hate each other at an Auction!!!
We LOVE The Same Things!!
; )


Love to Ya...
Prayers for All.

Barb C.

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