Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Wishing Everyone... A Happy St. Valentine's Day!!

Stayed hunkered down, yesterday.
Rescheduled meetings, and took the day off.
Going to meet with Pal, Gail... for lunch, today, then...
get ready for Fairfax's city council meeting, this evening.

John, and I were never big on celebrating St. Valentine's Day.
I'd always give him a card, and fix a special supper, of his choice...
He'd often give me flowers, but... especially loved his hand written notes, he'd leave on my laptop.
John, was always up long before me...in the morning, so he'd leave notes on my laptop... where he knew I'd find them First Thing, in the mornings.
; )

Pal, Bill... and I, are looking at a Living Estate Sale, tomorrow afternoon.
Was supposed to have that meeting, yesterday... but, my heart was simply too heavy.
Not every year... hits me this hard, concerning Dad... gratefully.
There's been so much going on, around here... for far, too long....
think, I'm a little, maybe... a lot, more sensitive than usual.

Taking yesterday off, was a good thing.
; )
I...actually, feel pretty good, this morning.
Got rid of The Blues, all... in one day. I...hope.
; )

That city council meeting, is... weighing heavy on my mind.
Such an ugly place to go. 
Sure wish they'd do live feeds, then everyone would know why...
it sickens me to attend them.
isn't Fairfax's long suit, by a long shot.
: (

Looking forward to visiting with Pal, Gail.
She's... such a Rock.
I...admire her, So.

Love, Love...Love... to Ya.
Prayers, for All.

Barb C.

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