The Lord...Works, in such Beautiful....Ways.
He sends his Angels, when you most need them.
Yesterday, I was about as low...'Blue', as I've been for a while.
{Tho...last Saturday Morning, was a close...runner up. : ( }
Yesterday morning, I was on my very last...nerve.
I, was stand on the front of our Home...
with our Settlement Agreement, clenched in my fist, and Halt...
This Wrongful...Construction.
Every day....I have to witness....the destruction of our land, for a Massive Bridge, so it can accommodate a Trail on it, and under it...for Fairfax,
that was agreed to, in writing...and recorded, on January 16, 2019,
Would Not Be.
Long...before they broke ground, and took so many of our Beloved Trees.
When I called Josey Wales, my Lawyer...yesterday...
to get a copy...of that agreement,
he...talked me 'off of the bridge'.
He's a Good Man.
I, Trust...him.
![]() |
That's our septic transfer box, where the The Heavy Equipment....has crushed it's tile, I'm sure....and, has dug up...much of it. |
I received a call, late in the morning, yesterday... after I'd taken...dozens of images...of yesterday's carnage,
from a Man....who'd bought the John Deere 318, at the last Sale.
He was bringing the car movers back, he'd borrowed.... to load the Deere.
I'd never met him, before...and, hadn't spoken much, to the Sale.
He seemed like a nice Man.
As we visited...I explained to him...if, I seem a bit out of sorts, forgive me...
I'm in the midst of a Battle, that's consuming me, now.
: (
The he was driving this way...began reciting verses from the Bible, as we visited.
{ Philippians 4:6-8 }
Then, he began to Sing...a Beautiful...Hymn.
{Makes my Cry....just thinking about it. }
I, told the Man...if it wasn't for my Faith...
I, couldn't have made it through, over the last 4 years.
{My entire...Life, really. I'm no Angel, but...I know, God Loves me...Anyway.
All..of us. I Know...for a Fact, He's been sending Angels,
because 'he'...the 'Man'...was one of Them.}
I told the Man, and... Josey, yesterday...
what scares me more....than anything, these days...
isn't the wrongful taking, butchering, carnage....the crippling...Loss.
I' afraid, I won't be able to find it in my heart...
to be able to forgive...the people, who are behind this.
: ( : ( : (
That...scares the Hell...out of me.
: ( : ( : (
I'm...struggling, with that.
It sickens my heart...just thinking about it.
: (
I've always...tried to put myself, in other's shoes.
I, don't 'Judge'...anyone.
That's not for me, to do.
I've always tried to treat Folks, like I'd like to be treated.
Be honest, respectful... tell the truth...and, do my best.
I, expect return.
With this four year journey, I've seen very little of that, in return.
The scale, has tipped so the wrong side, from day one...
with this 'Trail Project'...
I Jump For Joy....
when Folks, are Forthright, and Honest...with me.
May God Bless...Them.
I told the Man, as we walked through the 'Hell', I'm living in,
{he...couldn't believe it. : ( }
there's a 'Reason'...the Lord, has put this Battle in front of me.
I, have to figure it out...
be patient.
: (
search in my heart, for the ability to forgive, he said...
Give Thanks, to God, for Everything.
<3 <3 <3
{I was interrupted, about an hour ago...from writing this post, at this point,
by a Friend who does septic work.
We walked outside...trying to locate where our basement floor drain tile used to be, and is crushed...and buried.
He didn't give me good news.
: (
I, LOST IT!!!.
{That 'Last' Nerve...
Shot Out of The Top of My Skull, Like a Rocket!!!
With Flames....
for a
oh my.}
Threw my hands in the air... and Shouted....
"I Should Be Standing On That Bridge, Right Now!!
Stopping Those Men...From Building That Frickin' Bridge!!!"
oh my.
{I didn't say 'frickin'. : (
I...let the 'Queen Mother'....Fly. }
: (
Stormed back in the house...sat down...with my head, in my hands...
and began to sob.
: (
: (
After, I gathered myself...up.....I remembered, to try to read my 'Streams'.
I'd tried to read 'Streams in The Desert', first thing....this morning, but...
I'd slept with my contacts in, and...couldn't read the small print.
So, before...I finished this post, I thought I'd better read,
what the Lord....had chosen, for me to 'see'
; )
oh my.
Opened my little 'Streams' This.
'The Testing Room'
oh my.
{I'd just thought of this, yesterday...
as I was visiting with the Man. : ) }
The word 'bridge'...jumped off of the page, the minute my eyes...began to read.
This, little 'Streams in the Desert', is really, a Blessing.
Wish I could give everyone I know, a copy.
My Dear Friend, Patti, gave me this copy, nearly two decades ago.
It's Priceless.
so, is She.
<3 <3 <3
I, told the Man, from yesterday....there have been many,
who'd like me to quit, give up...
I, can't do it.
I...just, can't do it.
I believe...the Lord, is guiding my way.
There's been too many 'things', and People, who've seemingly come from nowhere...,
to help me persevere, on this 'Journey'.
<3 <3 <3
is something, I need to work Hard...on.
I told the Man, I'm a Taurus...the Bull.
Docile...until Provoked.
; )
There's been way too much wrongful provocation...over the last four years.
I've got to rein this, when they wave those red flags.
: )
Rejoice...when they tweak my nose.
Stand Firm, for what's right.
Love to You.
Barb C.
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