Wednesday, July 22, 2020

It's...too late.

My Friend, Dale...
stopped by this morning...
to drop off some things, from the last Sale.
The things, had to go to the rabbit hole.
: (
I, don't like being outside...during the day.
Had no choice...this morning.

You've seen the East side of our land....
this, is the South side, by the rabbit hole.
: (

The IDOT, has encroached upon us, there...for Fairfax's Stallman Drive.
I, begged them, to go to the South...where there's nothing, and would be so much safer, with the new driveway, the IDOT permitted for EIB, across the road.
: (
It, would've been So Much safer.

Newman, from the IDOT District 6 Office, flatly refused to consider it.
He said...they'd have to take a little of EIB's land, to do it.
I, reminded him, the IDOT District 6 Office, had no problem taking our land, and many trees, up to our home...for a Trail.
EIB, doesn't even have a Tree, there.
There's been one accident, in 40 years, at the Stallman/151 intersection.
Let's their new, rushed, poorly designed out for them.
: (

I walked out...into the carnage, where the IDOT is building Fairfax's Trail, and poorly designed intersection.
A Man....from PCI, who's working for the IDOT, pulled up beside me, in his truck....and said...
"Be careful Ma'am....I don't want you to get hurt, out here."
I, turned around...looked at him, and said...
"It's too late...for that."

You can't even see the rabbit hole, anymore...on the West....side.
The Beautiful...Wild Grape, Bittersweet, and...Ivy, seem to be trying to wrap itself
 around it, like a Cloak, to protect it.
: ( : ( : ( 
I told Dale...I, had to get the house.
I, couldn't take any more.

with our Beloved Nicky, and Grandchildren.
You can see the original 151 Bridge....behind them.
Amazing....what accommodations for Fairfax's Trail, on...and under...a Bridge, will do.

I'm very hard, to keep my legs...under me.
Pray, for me.
Barb C. 

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