Thursday, July 23, 2020

Movin' The Next Estate Sale.

Oh my....
We've been cleaning out the Center Street Sale, and....I'm Ready, 
To Move On!!!
Holy Smokes!
So Many...Long Hours.
Workin' in that heat....for days, and...days, well, I'm Ready.
; )

Bill, and I worked in the the Center Street Sale.
It was too hot, for Pal, Gayle.
Oh My... It's Been Toasty!
Every Day.

Today, was no different. Sold, down to the walls, including the Car.
; )

Bill, bought the Queen size bed, at the Center Street Sale.
We were loading it
It wouldn't fit in his, I ran back home..and grabbed The Flatbed Ford.
I...gotta tell ya, there should be a Camera on us, at all times.
; )
oh, my.
As we were carrying out the Massive, Extra This...and That, Pillowtop....whatever, 
my ankle turned, going down the steps....
and, Back I Went!!!
Mattress...and All!!!
Laughing, All The Way...Down.
oh my.
Thank God, there were Hedges, next to the concrete steps.
oh my.
: )
I, was Buried...In Them.
Bill, wasn't laughing,
 tho....he Should've Been, after I Rolled With Laughter...
 In The Garage, last week... 
when he got on that Crazy...'Flip Upside Down'...Exercise Equipment!!!
{Oh My Lord, EVERY TIME I Think of Bill...on That Machine, {including Now}
I, can't Catch my Breath!!!

Bill, pulled me up, and out...of the bushes, oh my.
I tweaked my back, pretty bad.
However....I Missed The Concrete!!
Told Bill, Thankfully... this time, it's on my left side.
Last week, when Mark, and I....were loading the Hydraulic Blade, for the Deere, oh my...
I, pulled the right side of my back...out.
: )
I, can dead lift...most Anything.
If there's a 'Twist' involved with a 'Lift'... I'm done.
: (
Told Bill, I'll just sip a little more Tequila this Evening, to loosen up these Angry muscles.
; )
{I'm On It. : ) }

The Good News, I've been far too busy, to think about 'Home'.
The Wrongful...Carnage.
That's...a Blessing. 

: ( : ( : ( 

I'm headin' to the Next, AMAZING Estate Sale...a little North, of Iowa City, Iowa, 
oh my.
I, told the Executor, when she opened the This Home, 
{while wiping the drool...from my the doorway.}
"If... I were a Wealthy Woman, I'd cut ya check...right now, and be Done with it."
I, Absolutely..Love...Everything, I've seen.
I've only seen a snippet.
I, have a pretty Good Idea, about what's There, without seeing it.
<3 <3 <3 

Stay Tuned.
; )

Love, to Ya...
Barb C. 

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