Friday, July 31, 2020
This week....
oh, my.
It'll be an entire Chapter, in my Book, someday.
Talk about a roller coaster ride.
When our basement flooded, because of the IDOT's negligence...
it about...did me in.
Our faucet, in the kitchen...also quit, because when the well ran out of water, pumping into the basement, it sucked up loads of sediment, I....shouldn't have turned the kitchen faucet on, first...
the lines are smaller.
I, was so rattled, with Justin standing the basement, wondering if the pump was working....
I didn't think to turn the bathtub faucet on first, and let it run.
Had no water in the kitchen.
I..tapped on the old, kitchen loosen some of that sediment...
got the water trickling...but....then it wouldn't shut off.
: (
Oh My Lord!!
: (
Called Pal, Bill...he gave me the name of a Great Plumber, and he came out, that Evening.
Super...Nice Man!
He was here until nearly 11 p.m., on Tuesday.
Bless His Heart!
I, was So Happy to have a New Faucet, and...Sprayer!
Haven't had a sprayer, for 25 years.
John...didn't like to do plumbing.
; )
John could do, most anything..he set his mind to,, could get him riled, in short order.
I've seen Many Pipe Wrenches Sail Through The Air, over the years.
Wednesday morning, I was Thrilled to wake up to the New Faucet!
I, wasn't thrilled...when I turned the water on, and....had no water pressure.
: (
Called Marty, the Awesome Plumber...he came back out, tore everything back apart...
the faucet, the process...and, Marty...was sounding a lot like John, before he left.
He couldn't fix it, Wednesday night, it was getting very late, again.
Marty, was back....Thursday morning.
Bless His Heart.
It's working great, now.
: )
I reached out to our Insurance Company, on Monday.
The Adjuster, whom I've never met, called me on Tuesday.
He said, after we'd visited for a bit...
"There may be a problem, I see the Policy has John's name on it, and not yours.
Why, aren't you named on the policy?"
I told him, I am....he'll have to talk with our Awesome Agent, Lisa..
She'll straighten it out.
{She did. <3 }
I, went on....and told him, that John...had passed away, 6 years ago.
: (
His Still, on our printed checks, his still hanging, exactly where he put it, his boots, are where he left them....
even...the little container, that he brought in, every night, to fill in the mornings, with cat food, for the outside cats, is right where he last, set the door.
Our old...Clocks, haven't been wound, since John left.
I, can't bare to turn the keys, was John's hand, that had last wound them.
It took me two years, to go into the room, where John, and I...spent most of our time...together.
Have you, any idea...what it's like....going into that basement, and seeing our 'Memories'....destroyed?
Because...a Drain, couldn't drain.
A Drain....I've been Constantly...Reminding The IDOT of, writing, and verbally.
Long, Long...before they broke ground.
Watching them..take so many trees, John...planted, and
For Nothing.
Worse, than Nothing.
For a Trail, that was agreed...wouldn't be.
I've had a lot of time, home, to process.
There's something...that's been eating at me...for several months, that's....had me so worried.
I've written about, talked about it, with Folks.
It's had me more concerned...than all of the tragic loss.
I've been afraid, I wouldn't be able to forgive the people who are behind, and involved with all of this wrongfulness.
I, could feel myself, slipping into a very dark place, concerning them all.
: ( : ( : (
On Tuesday Evening, while writing the post, about Staebler, and AJ, from the IDOT,
who wouldn't return my texts...pleading for help.
: ( : ( : (
I them,,
"If They....would've been in Trouble, and I saw them...struggling, there's no way, I'd ever turn my back on them. Ever. No matter what our 'history'"
I went to bed, that night....then, so sad, and broken...
about 3 a.m., I woke up....and thought, My God....
I, haven't lost my Soul.
I realized, after putting That, in writing....
I, Hadn't Soul.
<3 <3 <3
Have you Any Idea...what That Meant to me???
God, through a pretty ugly situation....showed me, I'm unforgiving,
as I thought, was So Afraid...I was becoming.
<3 <3 <3
That's the GOOD News.
The Best...News.
<3 <3 <3
My Dear Friend, Skip...called me yesterday.
I've known him, since I was a Teen.
: )
He knew my Dad, and adored him.
Skip, has loved me, all of these years.
I, love him...too, just not they way...he's always hoped.
We've remained close Friends, for over 40 years.
He calls, a couple times a month, to check up on me.
Bless His Heart.
As we visited, about this, yesterday.... he said...
{ Skip, is one of Few... People, I won't throttle, for calling me 'Barbie'. ; ) }
I know your heart. You don't have a heart, that couldn't forgive."
I told him...
I've never in my life, been this that kind of darkness,
it Scared me to Death.
Through this tragedy, God....Gave me, the Best Gift.
I'm So...
Throughout, all of This, I've been Truly having some Amazing People, close to me.
Some, I've known for years...
Some, for moments.
They, are Angels, really.
Love, to ya....
Barb C.
Thursday, July 30, 2020
Can't Quite....
Yeah, I can't quite put EVERYTHING...into words, yet.
I wouldn't 'Wish'...This World, on...anyone.
There's some Really....Good News, and....some not so good news, I'll be writing about, when I can put my thoughts together, watching the Mold...Grow, in our Basement.
; )
I'm running on about 4 hours of sleep, with...loads, of Stress, and....Heartbreak.
Can't clean anything...until the IDOT Repairs the Tile, that's responsible for the Flooding.
It could All...Happen Again, with no drain.
I was Blessed, by a little Morning Glory, at the door of the overgrown rabbit hole, today.
There'd be...Tons of Morning Glory, that I always plant, in the Spring.
Not...this year.
There's A Lot...
that, isn't...
This Year.
Thanks to the IDOT, and Fairfax City Hall.
That Wrongful Trail, sure means a Them.
: (
As I stood, at the Door, of my Beloved...'Rabbit Hole',
'Sanctuary'...this afternoon, well...
I, gotta tell ya, it was difficult.
I, don't go close to it, anymore...unless I absolutely... have to.
I, knew...I needed to capture more images, of the Wrongful...Carnage.
: (
The Rabbit Hole, will be the next, to Flood, because of the IDOT's Poorly Designed Stallman Drive Intersection.
I, tried...and tried, to warn the Boys, at District 6.
{Newman, Staebler...and, AJ. }
It all...fell, on Deaf Ears.
: (
Bless Their Hearts.
Where's the Water Gonna Go...
Remember, I told ya'll...last Fall, "Water doesn't run Uphill."
With no Ditch, and...Everything Flat, for Fairfax's Wrongful...Suicide Trail, District 6, has Provided for Them...
The Rabbit Hole, will Take The Brunt.
For the Record, the Rabbit Hole, has Never Flooded.
Let's This Poorly Designed Mess, works out....for us.
{ Bless Their Hearts }
You can see...the Poor, old...broken...Stallman Drive sign.
That's where we had a ditch, to take in the water...that kept the rabbit hole from flooding.
Now, we'll See, who has access to That Land, Who Profits, from IDOT's District 6's... Rushed...
Poorly Designed Intersection.
and...'What' It's 'Use' Now going to be for.
; )
{IDOT District 6, and..Fairfax.}
I Begged Them Both, to Rethink....This Poor Design.
Silly Boys.
; )
That Cross, being Rolled Over....
again, and again,
on Tuesday....Marking our Drain Tile,
AJ, and Staebler,
from District 6, not responding to my Pleas, for Help...
as our Memories, were Drowning...
in our Basement,
because...of District 6,
and...their Wrongful, Trail...for Fairfax,
spoke Volumes.
; )
Stay Tuned...for The Rest of The Story.
; ) Ya.
Barb C.
Tuesday, July 28, 2020
My Mistake.
It's been a
I, kinda figured it would be.
Last night, Kenny, from Kenway Sewer....came out, and... Bless His Heart, located...the crushed tile, that is responsible for our basement flooding.
He said... "I, wish...we had a post, or a stake, we could mark this spot with."
I, looked over, and saw the Cross, I'd taken from beside our mark where our septic Junction Box, is.
{I was so worried, the IDOT, would get into that....too. }
It has re-rod through it, and, is easy to push in the ground.
Kenny, placed it at the end of our broken floor drain tile, he'd located, along with a Green Flag, and Green Paint, on the soil.
I notified AJ, and Steve Staebler, IDOT District 6, through texts, about this location...first thing, this morning.
Asked them to Please...not disturb these markings, as I'd called Jim, at the Health Dept., waiting for direction.
I noticed a lot of front of our Home, this morning.
Walked outside....
Saw, a Digger.
For a moment, I thought they were going to fix...our broken tile.
Then, saw the Digger, the wrong place.
Nowhere near, where Kenny, had marked.
I watched the Digger....
Drive Over, and Back Up...over The Cross, several times.
: (
I, simply....couldn't walk out there.
Called.... Son...Justin, and asked him to retrieve The Cross.
That, he did.
The Digger, said he was sorry, to Justin.
That, was a good thing.
I'm pretty sure, the Digger, wouldn't have said me.
: (
That...makes me very sad.
The IDOT was digging, approximately 21 feet, from where our tile was located, and clearly marked...last night.
I, texted AJ, at District 6....about that, right away....early, this morning.
What breaks my heart...
These IDOT Boys, are pretty Good Men, in my book, as 'People'.
{Not making the best choices, as 'People' my opinion, tho. }
Had 'They'...been in Trouble,
I....never would've turned my back, on them...
as, they...have, on us.
: (
You Can Take The Bank.
{I told them that. }
I, foolishly, expected...better, of them.
My mistake.
Love, to Ya....
Barb C.
{There's much more, to this Long...Hard...Day, that...I'll have to write about, tomorrow.
My Heart, and...Gut, can't Go any further. }
Monday, July 27, 2020
Woke no water, to make my Morning Brew.
Called Son, come see what was wrong.
He went to the basement, and....found it flooded.
Several inches of water.
A pipe, connected to our Well Pump, had let go.
the IDOT District 6, crushed our floor drain tile, to make accommodations....for Fairfax's Trail...
Our Basement, couldn't drain.
We had a Swimming Pool, in our Basement, thanks to District 6, and the City...of Fairfax.
oh my.
: (
I immediately texted, and sent the picture....of our flooded basement to the Man, with District 6, who is overseeing this mess.
Then, I sent a picture, to Josey Wales, our Lawyer.
I, didn't expect Josey, to do...anything, except document this.
However...he offered to reach out, to the IDOT.
Thankfully, he did...because, like in the past, the IDOT District 6, never acknowledged my pleas for help.
: (
If I would've had to track them down, most likely wouldn't have went well.
This, the Drain Tile, has worried me from day one.
I've verbally, and in writing...warned the IDOT, not to crush, or disturb that tile, numerous times.
Every time I see a Contractor out there, near that tile, I warn them...too.
The IDOT crushed it, the last time we were condemned, 25 years ago...and, our basement flooded.
It, was devastating.
: (
We have it in our Settlement Agreement, to be very careful...around that tile.
: ( one reads those Agreements, anymore.
: (
I...gotta tell ya, I'm numb.
Kenny, from Kenway Sewer...came out, late...tonight, and located the tile, which is broken, and plugged.
I could see the shards, strewn throughout where the IDOT has been digging.
: (
Kenny said, had that drain...been able to drain, the basement never would've flooded.
: (
The floor would've been wet, but....we've Lost, most everything.
The sheetrock, is saturated 10 inches up, tonight. The doors....nearly the same.
Yes, I'm numb.
I, was in shock,, I'm just....numb.
This...could've been so easily avoided.
It's not like....they didn't know.
: (
I spoke with one of the Schrader People, a couple of weeks ago, when I saw him digging around where I thought the tile might be, {and...was }
He said...not to worry, they were putting lots of rock, and tho, he hadn't seen the drain tile, he was sure it would still drain.
He...was wrong.
I sure don't see much gravel, around the new tile, they put in...
Our floor drain about straight to the East, Left.... of the stake, that's South of the Locust Tree's Stump.
You...can barely see it. About where they are digging, in this image.
: (
About, where that Guy, is standing.
Kenny, and I marked the end of our broken tile...tonight with green flags, and...the Cross.
You can see the shards, from our Clay Tile.
I, remember...Tim Terrell, who excavated our tile up, 25 years ago..when The IDOT Crushed it, telling me..."You know, when you hit a tile.There's no way, you don't"
That...makes me sad.
I've been on the phone, most of the day...with Insurance Folks, and....Kenway.
Thankfully, for now...we have water.
I was afraid our Well Pump, was destroyed.
For now...Son, it going.
Our water pressure isn't very good.
we have water.
I, couldn't bring assess the damages, in the basement, today.
I, simply....could not.
I should've been working on the Estate Sale, but...couldn't leave Home.
: (
It's difficult...for me, to come 'Home', during the daylight.
Once I'm inside, I can get through.
It's very sad, they've taken that....from me, too.
There's no...peace, inside, or out.
All..for Fairfax's Trail...that shouldn't be.
A...Trail, I Pray, nobody ever uses.
Numb. a way, that's a Blessing.
I, haven't felt this....kind of 'Nothingness'...since the days, weeks...months.... after
John passed away.
Guess... I must've...had some 'feeling' back, to understand, this loss.
oh my.
The next many days...are going to be insane, trying to clean everything up, and meet with Insurance Folks, and Heath Dept. Folks.
I'm Grateful..for a lot of things, and..for a lot...of people.
I, truly...have much, to be Thankful...for.
I, know...God has a plan, for all of this.
I'm getting pretty weary.
I'll sling that Saddle over my shoulder, in the morning...
throw it over The Day...
Cinch 'er up...good and tight..
git 'er done. Ya,
Barb C.
Sunday, July 26, 2020
We're The Dance. { a few images of the Iowa City Estate Sale... August 13-16 } just the beginning.
Make Attend.
There will be Many....Chandeliers, and Sconces.
Don't know...if the 'Attached'...will sell, but, there are...many, many...more. Ya,
Barb C.
Heading to The Iowa City Estate Sale, today.
{Sale is August 13-16}
Looking So...Forward to it.
: )
The circumstances are sad....with us, being called in,
I hope, we can make the best...of it, for the Family.
The last Sale, with Gene's Home....I believe the Family, was Happy... when we got everything wrapped up, and it went so well.
I, forget... that Folks going through this, have no idea...what to expect.
We do these Sales, and, about... they're going to turn out, from the moment we step in the door.
The Family, can be overwhelmed...and, sometimes'll never get done.
We could've bought Gene's entire Estate....for pennies in the dollar.
They really wanted us to.
I, knew...that wouldn't be Fair, for the Family.
They wanted everything Gone, so they could sell the House, and thought...the contents were simply in the way.
I had to do a lot...of persuading, with the hold on, and be patient.
Had we bought the entire estate...they would have lost so much.
Several of my Friends, thought I was crazy...for not taking them up...on their offer to sell it.
Like Bill says....
"We like to sleep at night."
; )
The Iowa City one, that if....I were a Wealthy Woman, I'd have bought this Estate Out, in a Heartbeat.
Certainly not for pennies on the dollar, but...I'd have Everything the Owner had Collected.
I believe...we would've liked each other.
: )
Her name was Barb, too.
Told her Daughter...the only place she and I...would've locked horns, would've been at an Auction.
: )
oh my.
; )
Driving to this a Treat, as well.
It's situated in such a Beautiful...Peaceful....area.
Made the mistake of taking the interstate...both ways, the other day.
It's like driving the Daytona 500....anymore.
Tho, Jethro...enjoys getting down to Business...
I, prefer driving....where ya know...the other driver's aren't completely Insane!
Holy Smokes!
I'll be takin' the Back Roads, from now on.
They are Fun...Hilly, and...Winding.... not congested.
; )
I can't get that Crazy Video, of Son...Justin, and of my mind.
Every time...I think about it, I laugh.
Justin kept telling me, he couldn't understand, Why that Bumblebee Attacked Them???
He said...
"It was Totally Unprovoked! It Just Kept Attacking us, for No Reason!!"
The Truth Is...
The Bee Was Provoked.
Bear, the German Shepherd, had found it's nest...and was Messing with it.
{Justin realized that, after watching all of the video.}
; )
It Cracks me Up... because Justin, is an Avid Hunter, and...a Pretty Tuff Dude.
Eric, well.
{Kind-Hearted....but, Tuff. Like...his Dad. <3 }
To see a little Bee, put Those Boys, on The Run....
I gotta tell ya, I drew a few parallels, from the Bee's Point of View.
; )
I'd forgotten, how feels to Laugh.
I mean... Really... Laugh.
Life, around here...has been So Dead Serious, and Stressful..for Years.
I apologized to Justin, for laughing.
I Thanked him, too.
Sorry, they got Stung, I
that Laughter, was the Biggest Gift, he could've given me, yesterday.
: )
Justin thought it was pretty funny, he watched the video.
<3 <3 <3
Off to Work, I Go....
It's a Beautiful..Sunday.
Gonna be Toasty, it's July...
in Iowa.
I can feel the days getting shorter, and...that makes me kind of sad.
Seems like time is flying by, so fast.
We'll get through this Sale...then, maybe...I can catch my breath, and get some work done...around Home.
Hope You....Enjoy This Day, and...find a little Laughter, in it.
<3 Ya,
Barb C.
{I'm posting a Trace Adkins Tune, above....
I'm listening to this CD, these days...while I'm driving....Love It.
Reminds me of Justin.
<3 Quite a Character.
<3 <3 <3 }
Saturday, July 25, 2020
Shame on me. {Fond Memories of Eric Taylor }
{First Posted this, July... 25, 2020.
Eric, and Son Justin... fighting 'The Bee'.
I tried so hard, not to laugh when I saw the video.
Eric, Justin... and me, would lose it, every time I brought it up.
Including... the last time I saw Eric, about 2 weeks ago.
Sadly, so very...sadly, Eric was killed in a car accident, yesterday...
January, 10, 2023.
Eric... was like a Brother... to Son, Justin.
Eric was always here, to help...with anything, with a call.
We're all in shock.
Eric... will be Deeply Missed. }
I was visiting with Son, Justin...this afternoon, on the phone.
He was telling me about getting stung, by a Bumblebee....yesterday.
As he was telling his story....I, tried....not to laugh.
I gotta tell ya, I FAILED Miserably.
He said, his Pal, Eric...had stopped by, then...Justin was stung by a Bumblebee, then...
'The Bee'... took after Eric, and while Eric was trying to swat The Bee, with his Cap...The Bee....
Stung Eric...on the Top of his Head!!!
I, I was Choking Back Laughter...
"I Wish you would've had That...on Video!!"
Justin said... "I'm sure we do, it'll be on our Security Camera."
oh my Lord....
: ) : ) : )
I, share so much....sadness, and...I know...I shouldn't laugh, at this..
But I Can't Help It!!
Everyone is Fine, Bear, The German Shepherd....evidently Riled Up...the Bumblebee, {you can see him shaking his head, he must've gotten stung, too. }
Oh My.
Son, a Big Man.
He can lift a 100 pound it's a toothpick.
; )
I, see...he can Also Move...Very Quickly, when a Bee is After Him!!!
Told Pal, Bill.... Almost as Funny, as me...falling down the steps with a Queen Size Mattress, and....
Him, on that Crazy...Flippy Thing, from the Garage.....last week!!!
Shame...on me, for Laughing.
; )
I, can't Help It.
I, simply....
<3 Ya.
Barb C.
{hover over the get to Full Screen. {box in lower right corner.}
Ya need to see this. oh my.
I'm sure...I'm gonna go to Hell...for laughing.
I...Simply...Can't Help It. }
All laughing....aside. I did talk to Justin, like my Dad....did, with me, about Bees.
I'm not afraid of them, and....never swat at them, I...just get away from them.
Justin, and his Dad, share the same feelings about Bees, I see.
I've seen John, do that same 'dance', a time or two.
I told Justin...if he's ever driving, and a Bee is in his Truck, to not get excited, stay calm....and pull over.
The worst that can happen, he'll get stung.
He's not allergic, so....that's completely survivable.
However, if he panics, he could lose control, hurt himself, and others.
One of Dad's Friends, died in a Semi...accident, while in a panic over a Bee.
: (
The Co-Driver...survived.
Friday, July 24, 2020
Snippet...of The Iowa City Estate Sale August 13-16.
![]() |
There are Several Paintings. This one is Oil on Canvas. It's about 65 inches tall. Amazing. |
This is just a tiny snippet, of The Iowa City Estate Sale.
; )
They are painting, so everything is packed and covered.
We'll get in over the weekend, and begin putting everything in order.
; )
I'll have more images of the Iowa City Estate Sale,
Sunday Evening.
It's an Absolute....Pleasure, to be surrounded by such...
<3 <3 <3 Ya,
Barb C.
{The Home...will be for sale, as well. It's Amazing. }
After I assessed the Beauty, today....
came home, and assessed Hell.
This is what's left, of the southern part of our land...
by the rabbit hole.
You can barely see, in the center of this image, the street sign, that reads Stallman Drive.
That's how far...a lower portion of land was, that was a ditch...we mowed, it held water, when we got heavy rain.
That lower area, kept the rabbit hole {My Beloved Store...Beloved...Sanctuary.}
from flooding.
Now, because of Fairfax's Trail, on and under the bridge, north of us....
and, a very poorly designed Stallman Drive, that will be hugging the 49 Ford,
there no longer is a ditch.
They filled it
It's Flat.
Even...with my shop.
; )
Boys, Boys....
: (
The elevation...of the 'Suicide Trail Bridge', {That was Agreed, Would Not Be.}
brought the highway up So Much Higher., also...Higher, to meet it
No Ditch.
: (
Where there was a Ditch, is Now...The New, poorly designed, Stallman Drive.
{I Begged Newman, to take this intersection further to the South, where there was Nothing but Street.
He Flatly...Refused.
I also asked him for the Safety Study, that was conducted...for the Stallman Drive Intersection, and the new Driveway, at 50 Stallman, {151} that District 6 rushed to include...last July.
He assured me last November, there was one. I asked to see it. He agreed to send me a copy.
When I didn't have it, by January.... I called him. He told me, there wasn't one. : ( }
{For an entity to tout, 'Safety is Priority One', then refuse to conduct a Safety Study, for Major Intersections, Driveways, and...Walking Trails, next to one of the Most Dangerous Stretches of 151, 'The Urban Area of Fairfax'...{according to their own Safety Audit, for Vehicles} puzzles me.
I Begged our Mayor, and have The University of Northern Iowa... conduct a Safety Study, for their Suicide Trail, two years ago.. they...Refused.
I...offered to Pay for it. The Mayor said, at an open meeting, he wouldn't consider looking at it.}
Their new tile, is too high, so this won't drain.
: (
I've warned AJ, Newman, and Staebler....from IDOT District 6, this...
several times, verbally...and, in writing.
: (
Pal, Bill...{along with several other....Friends.} told me, again... today,
"They are trying to push you out. The City, and someone working with the IDOT, on Fairfax's behalf...Want You Out. They Want Your Land."
my reply.
"People in Hell....'Want' Ice Water....
That doesn't mean...they get it."
Pal, Dale....said, the other day, he's worried they'll try to burn me out.
Burn, our house down.
: (
{looks like they're more likely to 'flood' us out. That...I can see. : ( }
He's very...worried about me.
: (
Sometimes, I am...too.
: (
I've shared these worries, with Folks, who know where to 'look', should anything 'happen'.
I, hope..and Pray, I never find out.... what people are 'guessing', is true.
That...would be sad.
: (
Guess... it wouldn't be any worse than the Taking of our Land...Fraudulently, or....Breaching our Recorded Settlement Agreement.
oh dear.
Nobody, had better Ever....question why I sip....Tequila, at night.
; )
I Thank God... for 'Family'.
<3 <3 <3
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