It was over 90 degrees, when I began loading my Pile......of Treasures...from Bart's Sale!
Was saying my 'Good-Byes'...to everyone.
Then, I spotted this Vintage Fur, in the Garage.
: )
What Is It...About Vintage Fur, and Smokin' Hot...Sweaty, Steamy...Days, that makes me Have to Throw 'em On???
It'll be Great, this Winter!
: ) |
These Gals, were so much Fun!!!
: )
They, had a Great Time...Diggin!!!
Simply Iowa, Pal, Teresa... and I, had a Lovely...Visit!
Simply Iowa, Pal...Sarah, and her Daughter, Mikayla...found these Awesome, Mid Century Original Oil Paintings!
All 3, for 27.00!!!
Oh My! |
Pal, Jess...came all the way from Tama...to Dig!
She Scored...some Very Fun Stuff!!! |
Pals, Brandon, and Jaycee.
{'A Beautiful Purpose', and...'House Things', in West Branch, Iowa! Great Store!!! }
They Gathered a Sweet LOAD!!! |
There was So Much...from that Old...Victorian.
Bart, worked his Tail Off....cleaning out That One!!! |
Pal, Bonita!!!
Pal, Bart!!!
<3 |
Had just started...to finally load, the Bigger Stuff.
It was late, Sunday...afternoon.
So Hot!
oh my. |
I bought this Cute...Umbrella, from Bart's Sale. : )
Always carry one, with...but, This One...was small, and Sweet!
I use umbrellas, for the Sun, for Shade... far more, than for rain.
If it's raining, at an Auction... I put a lawn and leaf bag on. {Carry those, with...too. : )}
Couldn't care less...if my hair gets wet. : )
These, old Umbrellas, have Saved me...on Hot, Sweltering, Sunny...Iowa... Summer Days.
Instant Shade!
<3 |
I posted a picture of my most, every morning... Coffee Sippin' Mug, on FB.
: )
I've had it for many, many... years.
It dates from the mid, to later...1800's.
The handles, are long gone.
They've been gone, from long...before it came home, with me.
The Coffee, still tastes the same, with...or, without the handles.
On Cold, Winter Mornings... I'm glad it doesn't have handles. : )
I, Love... the Poem, and beautiful Transfer.
: )
The Poem...is something, I like to be reminded of, every day.
May God... Bless, The Farmer.
Folks...who are 'Self Employed', 'Independent' Folks.
It's like dancing on the thin, sharp, glistening edge of a razor blade.
You have to be Brave, and have a Lot...of Faith.
<3 <3 <3 |
Yep. <3
Git 'er Done.
; ) |
Dear Friends, Pam, and Dave... messaged me, about 'something' they'd left...outside our back door, the other night.
I was so tired, I ate supper, and fell asleep in John's recliner, Saturday night, when I saw the message.
Then... I was back at it, Sunday, and Monday.
{Helped Bart get things hauled away, yesterday. }
So, it was last night....before I found my way, to see what they'd left.
OH MY!!!
AWESOME...Old Chandelier!!!
<3 <3 <3
: )
I'm So...Incredibly Blessed, with some of The Most...Wonderful People, in my Life.
<3 <3 <3
I, hope...I tell them that, often enough.
: )
I'm Trying...Hard, to let Folks Know, how Very Much...I Appreciate Them.
<3 <3 <3 |
I, still haven't time to write about our last few hundred miles...coming Home, from St. Louis.
I'll get there. : )
Won't be for a bit.
{there's a couple of Great Stories, and...I don't want to rush through. }
I have to pick up a LOAD, a Houseful...of Furniture, then...pick up a Beautiful, Old...Cupboard, and a Victorian Pump Organ, over the next few days!
Gold Rush, at The Fairgrounds...in Rochester, MN. is coming up...in a week and a half.
I have to get the Truck Loaded, and figure out where The Heck, I'm going to PUT EVERYTHING!!!
So Much, new...'Old'...has to be cleaned, priced, and packed!!!
Then, there's that 'city hall', in Fairfax, who are taking me to Court...over our 'Poultry'...we've had here, for over 30 years.
That'll be coming, soon.
{Oh My. That city hall. Retaliation...for them not getting their 'suicide trail'. : ( Very...Sad. } }
: (
Love, to each...and Everyone.
Please, keep all who Suffer, in your Prayers.
There...are many.
Barb C.
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