Holy Smokes!
I put the Hammer Down!!!
The Old Packing Quilt...was Flappin' and...thank the Lord....for Stout Ratchet Straps!!!!
{I have had several Folks say...I should have had it tarped....Let me tell ya... a Tarp...wouldn't stand a Chance... It would have been in the next County!!!!}
I knew I was in trouble...heading South...but...hoped...when I turned East...I could outrun it....
I ran parallel with it...heading East....The Fields...South of me...were White...with Rain...just a half mile away from the hi way...
So...I knew...when I had to turn the Ford...back South...3 miles... I either had to be far enough ahead...of the Storm...or seek Shelter...
My mind...was Racing...what shelter....is there...The Car Wash...maybe...an uninvited visit...to an Open Machine Shed....
Or....Could I make it ...Home....
If So....Then What?
I knew it wouldn't fit in the Shop door...without a lot of Help!
and...there was None...to be had...
I remembered a Tarp... that Lynn and Lea left...
So...I Bee Lined...for Home...and was out of the Ford...running...with the Truck still rollin'! {Felt like I was Runnin' The Texas Flag Race...on Horseback!!!!}
I grabbed the Monster Tarp...as it started to POUR BUCKETS!!!
It was a challenge...to get it unfolded...and Ratchet Strapped Down...to say the Least!!!
I was Soaked...to the Skin!!!!
But...the Old...Cupboard...was spared....
Oh My! Crazy!!!!
I got settled in...last night...and the phone rang...it was a dear Friend...that broke the news...my Old Pal... Richard Arnold....had passed away... {he was my Mentor...years ago...when I began collecting Clocks...} Richard used to do, all of my Clock Repair...and taught me so much....about them....
I was Stunned...
He had some Clocks...on Hoge's Auction, last night... but...that didn't seem unusual... he would sell some off...here and there...
I didn't go....to the Auction... figured...I'd see him..one of these days...and see what he had....
He was always picking up Clocks...
I Immediately called the Auction House....and left bids...but...didn't get anything...
It made me sooo sad....
I guess... I do...have many Old Clocks...here...that Richard has worked on...and some...I have bought from him...over the years...
But...still... wished...I could have gotten...something...from his Sale....
He will be...Missed....
My Dear Friend, Linda... called...for a hand...with a Antique Sale...she is having...in the Morn...
She is parting with a Lot...of her treasures... due to Illness... {Linda...and Dick...are in my Prayers...please...put them...in Yours...they are Wonderful Folks...}
I don't buy anything....early, at a Sale...I am helping with...and...there are No...Early Sales...
The Sale...starts...at 8 a.m. Friday... the address is 403 6th ave. West Amana, Iowa 52203
There will be some WONDERFUL TREASURES THERE!!!! Loads...of Primitives!!!!
Linda and I go...way back... we 'Junked'...together...long before I had a shop...we even shared...part of a shop...at one time... She has an Amazing Eye...
I know...this is hard...for her...but...I told her...as much as I love my things...there is Nothing....that is in this house...that wouldn't go...if my Family...was in need....it's just stuff....
and...I have had to do...exactly...what she is doing now...for the 'Cause'...
but...The Lord...will Bless her...
Hope to See You...at Linda's Sale...
Love...to Ya...
Barb C.
Wowserz what a storm ...glad you and the cabinet escaped unscathed! never a dull moment for you indeed . am so sorry to hear of your friends passing and the troubles of your other friends offering up prayer for all ! hugs lil raggedy angie
Thanks...So Much...for the Kind...Thoughts...
Love to ya... Sweet Pea... : )
Barb C.
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