There are times in your life, you simply never forget.... The first ride, on a bike... first time, driving a car.... first kiss... well...for's a lot about old stuff.... like, the Auction, where I bought this Prize Winning Slice of Cake...
It was 20 years ago...I would guess... at an Auction in Vinton, Iowa... oh my....there were some wonderful old treasures there... I was a waitress, then...... John and I were always scrimping.... {guess some things, never change.......and...I am Thankful, for that...} Darrel Alpers was there.....I asked his advise...on a wonderful wooden bowl.... He thought sure, I could get it bought, for 80, to 110. dollars....I had money saved back....and I was going to own that wonderful, old bowl.... Inside the bowl, was a hand carved, and hand dove tailed butter mold... {Dear Lord.....} with a Tiny Heart....carved in it....and all of the history, written about who made them both... Well...I wanted the bowl....and the mold.... Just as they were going up, for sale.....choice....... a woman, with short, dark hair, blew through... and held her bidding number up....and never put it down.... I ran the bid, to nearly 200., to no avail... The woman's choice...was the bowl...and whisked out of the auction, with it in hand, as quickly as she had entered...the paper, with all of the history......went with....
the mold, was left for me... I treasure it...
more and more....with every year, that passes...
The Cake... sold earlier in the day...I had looked at it... and strange...for someone, to keep a slice of cake... at that time...for nearly a hundred years... I don't recall what I payed for it... but it wasn't much... a few dollars...I suppose... but...I find it today...priceless...
That day, will stick in my mind...forever...
and Mine...
Strange... how they co-mingle....over a Century...of time...ahhh...a blink...really...
Love to Ya...
Barb C.
{the note reads...}
This cake was baked in the year of 1897 by
Jossie Ammerman
it took the Prise at the
County Fair in
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