The Old...Old Cupboard.... the Early....{1870's...or so...} Walnut, one Drawer Stand....
I ran my hands over them....searching for their voice....or rather...the voice of the one, who created them....So beautifully constructed...the scribe marks...on the little Stands guide the creator's hand...on the depth to cut a dove tail....that would hold the drawer slides...perfectly...
The dovetails, on the back legs of the Old Cupboard...{I have never seen this done...this way....lovely....} the hand forged iron latches....on the inside of the Old Cupboard's Left Door...have a slight the, not to be sharp....and so Beautiful....with a Touch of Elegance....
John pointed out...the doors are plank doors....with the top and bottom, front, center, champhored down, to accept another inset the door appears to be mortised and tenon...I have never seen this done, either....
I believe it to be pre Civil War Era....It has Bracket Feet...{almost uncanny similarities, to an Amazing Cupboard John created a base for....a year or so, ago....}
I fell in Love with it...the Moment...I laid eyes on it....
It was recently purchased at an auction, in Ottumwa, Iowa...I can't be sure....But it almost seems Southern, to me.... just a feeling I have... It could be Eastern...but....My Heart says...South....
The Cupboard's also...hand Dovetailed, together....The strips of wood patches, on the back.... have me guessing...and.....originally....I don't know that it had shelves... the ones in it...have been a later time....
The surface....will be scraped down to it's original red wash...someone started it... so...we will finish it...Don't know if we will build the side is very'll see...
John found a name, written on the drawer of the little stand...Charles....with a last name, we can't quite make out....
I owe Gary much....for opening my eyes....20 years I could See...the Amazing a piece of furniture...The Hand Dove Tails...Hand Champhoring...the Width of Boards....the Type of Nails...Screws...and Hardware...the Pegs...Hand Plane Marks...the Type of Woods...
I feel like archaeologist...on a dig...sometimes...with these wonderful old's like putting a puzzle together...{I hate Puzzles...} I Love...Old Hand Made Pieces...tho...
Love to Ya!
Barb C.
{Just think...these folks had very primitive tools...and cut their own lumber... built these Amazing pieces... that have lasted 100, can buy a piece, like these...for a fraction of a new, hand made piece....sometimes less than a Super Store... Oh My...I scratch my head....}
Beautiful pieces and even more beautiful descriptions. You have a wonderful way with words. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks, Sue...
I could Gush....all day long....about these Old Beauties...They Touch my Soul....I love...Touching them....Seeing what secrets, they may hold....Thinking about the one...who built them...Who they were...where they lived...what was their life like...I wonder....Oh...if John said...just this morning....if only...they could talk...what tales they might tell....
Thanks for the Compliment, Sue...
Love, to You...
Barb C.
What treasure!!!!! I love the early, early pieces but they're so hard to find around here. I think I'm jealous. Jan
Absolutely beautiful! You showed the heart, the soul of an antique. Love the cupboard, the table .... incredible finds.
Hey Jan...
Come visit ....we'll send a little 'Soul' home with....
Love to Ya!
Barb C.
Thank you, Miss Effie, for the kind words...
I try and show people, like I was so blessed, to be shown....Many Years ago...first, by my Dad...and his friends...with their most wonderful memories...then, by Gary...who taught me so much, about the details...the Amazing...details...
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