Well....we are here! Thank God...for Lynn and Lea! They helped us unload...{and...are helping us set the booth...oh my gosh....ANGELS!!!}We were running late...and I couldn't get backed into the door, at my booth... so...there was a bit of a skirmish.... but...we got 'er off the truck! The Booth is a DISASTER!!!

This DARLING Little French Settee...wa my FIND of the DAY!!!! LOVE IT!!!!!!!!

Peg and I did a little shoppin' on the way up....had to, once again...strap to the back! Yee Haw!!!!

Ran into Dick T. and His Gals! They were having a bit of fun with us last night! We are all staying at the same hotel....Oh...Dear....I Smell Trouble!!!!
Peg and I had 2 and a half Margaritas, last night.....she was a noodle... a stiff and sore, noodle... and this morning... that was 2 and a half, too many! Yeeeesh!
We are out the door!
Come See Us....
Love to Ya!
Barb C.
I would love to have that French settee. Wow! Love your blog, Kenda
Hey Kenda!
Sorry it has taken me so long to comment back!
The settee sold...but wow...it was wonderful... and Thanks for joining me, down the Rabbit Hole!
Love to Ya...
Barb C.
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