Wednesday, August 31, 2011
One...Hot Mama...oh yeah....
This song came on the I was driving through Fairfax tonight....{Low Rider...}
after a Long...Hot....Day.....with a Mother Load on the Ford...Tires Rubbin'....
{I wanted to stop...and get John a Tenderloin....but I smell so Stinkin' bad.... there was No Way....I was getting close to anyone, from my Town....I might know...oh dear...whew...}
Had a Great Day....Met some Fab People...Ran into a gal, I knew...she said..."You're the one.... the one with the Harvest table on the truck...everyone is crying over".... that was all she had heard all day....How someone had a cool load of stuff.... and a Great Old Harvest Table... they all had missed...
The fact is... I bought that...early this Sisters' Garden.... {thanks Barb H.} so...they are fishing, in the wrong hole.... head there...oh my....
I did get an outstanding load...I knew I would.... felt my bones... Just as...I knew, somehow... Sweet Gloria...would be close to {I haven't heard from her...or seen her, in months...but I dreamt about her, last night....and she my...} {Betty G. has been on my mind, well...}
I gathered some very soulful treasures... and...really connected....with some cool cats... I wish...I could take you all with me...on these trips... It's difficult for me, to put into words... these encounters... it's very Spiritual...Truly...a God Thing....
The people vary....from Junk Elderly Folk...Shop Owners....and Amazing Day!
There are no coincidences...on this journey... just an amazing ride....
Here are a few things I gathered today...It was dark, when I got tomorrow...
Huge Concrete Fountain...{thanks...Lynn and Lea...for helping load....{always in the Wrong the Wrong Time....tee hee!}
2 Amazing Old, with the Gnarly Old Bell still attached! The other...a gift....from a Kind man...
A French Style Settee....oh yeah...
A Funky Stand...Love IT!
Some weird...wire things.... cool...
A Cool...Primitive Herb Dryer...
Oh My...
the HOT MAMA Signs... oh dear...
I...Simply...HAD to HAVE THEM!!!
{I'm keeping one...gotta...
the other...well... the First HOT MAMA... who calls....will be the Winner! Yee Haw!}
There is Tons of stuff...on this load...from littles.... I'll be telling you all about it...tomorrow.... for now...I'm sippin' a Dirty Martini... made with 'Wicked Okra'...{hot...sweet...and spicy... Okra... Love It....} and coolin' off.... it's been a Hot...and Sweaty Day...But, then....I never mind workin' up a Good Sweat...when I'm havin' Fun...doin' it....
Love to Ya'll....
Barb C.
after a Long...Hot....Day.....with a Mother Load on the Ford...Tires Rubbin'....
{I wanted to stop...and get John a Tenderloin....but I smell so Stinkin' bad.... there was No Way....I was getting close to anyone, from my Town....I might know...oh dear...whew...}
Had a Great Day....Met some Fab People...Ran into a gal, I knew...she said..."You're the one.... the one with the Harvest table on the truck...everyone is crying over".... that was all she had heard all day....How someone had a cool load of stuff.... and a Great Old Harvest Table... they all had missed...
The fact is... I bought that...early this Sisters' Garden.... {thanks Barb H.} so...they are fishing, in the wrong hole.... head there...oh my....
I did get an outstanding load...I knew I would.... felt my bones... Just as...I knew, somehow... Sweet Gloria...would be close to {I haven't heard from her...or seen her, in months...but I dreamt about her, last night....and she my...} {Betty G. has been on my mind, well...}
I gathered some very soulful treasures... and...really connected....with some cool cats... I wish...I could take you all with me...on these trips... It's difficult for me, to put into words... these encounters... it's very Spiritual...Truly...a God Thing....
The people vary....from Junk Elderly Folk...Shop Owners....and Amazing Day!
There are no coincidences...on this journey... just an amazing ride....
Here are a few things I gathered today...It was dark, when I got tomorrow...
Huge Concrete Fountain...{thanks...Lynn and Lea...for helping load....{always in the Wrong the Wrong Time....tee hee!}
2 Amazing Old, with the Gnarly Old Bell still attached! The other...a gift....from a Kind man...
A French Style Settee....oh yeah...
A Funky Stand...Love IT!
Some weird...wire things.... cool...
A Cool...Primitive Herb Dryer...
Oh My...
the HOT MAMA Signs... oh dear...
I...Simply...HAD to HAVE THEM!!!
{I'm keeping one...gotta...
the other...well... the First HOT MAMA... who calls....will be the Winner! Yee Haw!}
There is Tons of stuff...on this load...from littles.... I'll be telling you all about it...tomorrow.... for now...I'm sippin' a Dirty Martini... made with 'Wicked Okra'...{hot...sweet...and spicy... Okra... Love It....} and coolin' off.... it's been a Hot...and Sweaty Day...But, then....I never mind workin' up a Good Sweat...when I'm havin' Fun...doin' it....
Love to Ya'll....
Barb C.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Ahhh....Love...Love...Love the Swans.... and the Authentic Out House Door... Found some great Farm Pieces...
I'm not sure...we could have gotten our purchases home...if it hadn't rained....The Pickin' was Good!
I'll be up bright and go gather more... oh my...
The Fun Never Ends!
Hope Ya'll had a Most Amazing Day....
Love, to Ya!
Barb C.
Monday, August 29, 2011 Mornin'...
Had a Lovely Morn... starting off...with a TOMATO filled breakfast....{Dear God...Thank You.... for Tomatoes....} Then...watered all of the plants... took a long stroll outside... Took Scout for his morning Therapy...then...on to the shop...where I was pretty busy...all afternoon... it was Great seeing Brandon, {house things} {be sure and check his room out, at Sisters' Garden....WOW!....}and meeting Suanne, from 'Goody Two Shoes", located in "First Brick Antiques" in Mt.Vernon, Iowa....{at the West end of Main St.} John W., Chery T., Miriam B. also have amazing Treasures there, as well...and...Sweet Anne B., sells the most Amazing Shortbread...Ever! You must check out First Brick!
Barb and Dan O. from Park Place Hotel Antiques, in Marion, stopped by.... I always Love seeing them....good folk! Then, Miss Audrey...{sweet cheeks tasty treats...} Just had...the most Delightful, folks was a good...easy....Sunday...
Sweet Marianne, from Minnesota, made these darling necklaces for me... she is so creative.... I had her do 'Simply Iowa', on one side... and the rule, I live by....{thanks, Ed} 'It is What it Is'...on the other... Love them...
I also got my fliers...for HEART of COUNTRY!!! oh my.... my heart was really pounding, when I saw the Big Folder, from Susan! {more on that...coming soon!}
Liz, Katie and I, took in "The Help"... for our 'Movie Night'.... The girls wanted to use the restroom, before the I went, and got a seat, at the the door...waiting for them....{there are several movies showing at this theatre...} I waited and waited... soon the movie was starting..... and no girls.... Then...I realized...I was at the wrong movie... oh my.... I quickly ran, to find the intended one... and found the girls, waiting for me.... Panic Stricken.....they had checked all of the movies...{accept the one next to where I was supposed to be....oh my...} They went to the car...{I of course had my cell turned off...} they checked the restroom.... was asking everyone, had they seen me... they had lost their mother....oh my....
The Movie was Very Good.... not as funny, as we thought it was going to be... We even shed a few tears.... I could so... a few parts of it....
Today...I'm taking Polly to the vet, today...I have been doctoring her, for a rash....with Antihistamines...and oatmeal no's just getting worse and worse...the vet said...maybe steroids...I say.."No! No! No!"... but... I am very worried....she is miserable...and that makes me... very...sad.... so...we'll see....
Audrey just called...{sweet cheeks tasty treats}...I shamed her, yesterday, for not bringing me a she's dropping some off...NOW! Yippee! {the squeaky wheel truly DOES get the Grease!!! {or Cup it were...} {tee hee!}
I have to go unload the truck, so Polly has a place to ride....
Have a Lovely Day!
Barb C.
Be sure and Visit Suanne, at Goody Two Shoes, located in, First Brick Antiques, on the West End of Main St. Mt.Vernon! |
Lovely...Old, Old...Red and White Quilt... all had pieced and Hand Quilted! |
French Bed Cover...with all sorts of Gnarly Patches...Love It! |
Sunday, August 28, 2011
OPEN TODAY 12-4... Hope to See Ya!!!
I'll be unloading the 'Auction Gatherings', this afternoon...Swing By!
Love to Ya...
Barb C.
Love to Ya...
Barb C.
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Miss Scarlett's First Auction!
{I put 'the Auctioneer' on lead... This one, sounds like the Kalona Auctioneers...they could sell a Horse a minute...whew... I learned to understand their chant, when I was little older than Miss's like a lullaby...}
{pretty good, for only being 5 months old....!}
Didn't see too many folks I knew... Garth....and Cindy... that was it...But lots of nice folks... it was a good day....I bought most everything I set out to... Some Darling little Christmas Ornaments...{Peg will be delighted...oh dear...but Peg...I don't Have Any...Like These......} Tho...I'm not doing Horse Stuff...anymore...I bought a Boyt Saddle....Boyt was a wonderful Maker, way back... they are from Des Moines, Iowa... Miss Scarlett LOVED it...when we set her on it... ahhh yes.... she will be a Horse Woman....
I got a Mega Gnarly Cast Iron Urn....very cool... and some neat Galvanized pieces, for Fall.... oh my... I bought 2 Martin Houses...1 has quite a bit of age to it...It's a Sweetie....The other, I may put up, for the local birds.... I also bought a Most Wonderful Huge Punch Bowl...along with all sorts of interesting old glassware! It was a Very Good Day...It was Great Spending Time with Liz...
and Miss Scarlett....
I was pooped when I got home...but Sweet Friends from Illinois popped in....and I had to go visit... What Darlings...they Shared their Wonderful Amana Bakery with me... oh my... Good Folk...
I mean..,really.....look at these little guys... in their Original Boxes... oh my....{Peg...I have never had the 'Original Boxes'....} |
It Is...What It Is...
A Busy Day.... Filled with Great People...and Fresh Tomatoes.... is good.... My first stop, was my friend, Marion's Home....her sweet daughter Ann, joined us, and I got a lovely tour of her Home....I love what Marion has done with it... it is truly 'Home'....I think so many, try and make their house like a magazine....and not like, who they are.... Marion's is who she is.... with everything from Bennington Pottery, to Modern Art Pottery... It's so interesting... I didn't take any images....take my word for was Lovely!
Then....Pal, Val had called, day before yesterday... and said we needed to spend a little time together....she was so right.... after I was done at Marion's {she wanted a little advise on a landscaping project..} I headed to Val's...As fate would have it....en route...I came across an 'Estate Sale!'... oh my...found a bunch of lovely treasures...that Val found lovely, as many didn't go much further! I do have a Beautiful, tho, somewhat gnarly French Bedspread...{Old...old...with patches all over it! If it would have been larger, Val would have taken it for a table cloth, in the Ball Room... dice!}
Val is a Master Gardener...she had the most Amazing Tomatoes... She made us lunch... oh my gosh... a Tomato Salad... Oh My! Tomatoes....I could live on them...and Onions... That's all I need...I was in Heaven... What a treat! Then....back on the road...had an appointment with Kim Wolfe {Wolfe's Antiques Mt.Vernon, Iowa.... } She had a wicker gazebo she wanted me to see...They are going to bring it to the Fall Sale... it's cool.... She also took me for a tour of her home.... Lovely...It's furnished with Beautiful Treasures... and like me.... they have what touches their hearts... and everything has a memory attached...Love It! Kim and Glen, just lost one of their beloved four legged family members.... Kim and I shed many tears... It's so hard......
As I was headed to Kim's, I ran into Tommie {FUEL Mt.Vernon, Iowa} at the 4 way stop.... I invited myself, to see her New Home! So...when I left Kim's...I headed over.... How Sweet it Is! She is the Coolest Cat..... I watched her gears spin, as she was dreaming of her new, blank canvas! and how she is planning to make it her own.... I can't wait to see it! Tommie is doing art shows, and has one coming up, at Cornell College...She has taken Amazing Images, at an Old Cannery....her eye, is wonderful... wow... very...very wonderful...Then...I called John W., I have owed him, for 2 platters, since the 4th of July....and wanted to get him paid.... so... I took a chance, called him....and he was home....! It was kind of late....but he invited me for a nice visit, on his Lovely Sitting Area.. and...Prepared a Fabulous Meal...for me! Wow!!! I'm gonna have to owe him, more often! We had such a Lovely Visit...John is amazing.... Kind...and Gentle Spirit.... {and a Darned good cook!} We sipped a little wine...and reflected, on the World's issues... I think we both just want to through our hands in the air....oh my....I'm heading to an Auction, with Daughter, Liz, and Miss Scarlett....So I must Hurry! Hurry!
Love to Ya!
Val's Tomatoes! mmmmmmmm.... |
Barb C.
I could eat this, morning...noon and night....oh my.... |
Val, Pixie...and ONE of her Amazing Tomato Plants...YOWZA! |
Val, giving me pointers...from a Master Gardener's perspective....on what a Potting Shed should have.... {I have an new project...maybe....for John...oh dear...} |
Life is Good...
after all...
It Is...What It Is...
Friday, August 26, 2011
Black....and White....
Wouldn't it be great.... if everything was Black....and's those fuzzy...gray areas... that give me pause...
I had a lovely time, yesterday, at Charlie's...and the Iris Mall, in Mt.Pleasant, then wrapping the day up, in Keokuk, at Heritage....I so Love Sweet Loretta.... what a kind soul...... She said she didn't recognise me.... at's been awhile...
too long...
I have a busy day, ahead...but a good one...with friends....I think God sends his 'Herding Angels', to direct, when my spirit is lost....
I didn't come home with a huge load, yesterday.... but... I worked through a lot of things.... in my mind...
Still Processing...
Hope You all Have an Amazing Friday... You...
Barb C.
{another 'God Wink' I was rushing around, just after finishing this post....Landslide, was playing...on my laptop...I ran to the bedroom...and...Stevie Nicks, was singing 'Landslide', on Good Morning America.... It was Echoing.... "If you see my reflection...on a Snow Covered Hill...." oh my...The Journey...}
A Day Trip....
It was great seeing everyone,'s been way too long....
Love to ya...
Barb C.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Vintage Metal Lawn Chairs...Come...Sit a Spell...
I'm on the road, the Morn...many...many miles...
Hope You Have an Amazing Thursday....!
Barb C.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Ironstone Punch Bowls...Lovely...
It's we are so much like a school of fish... as Cheryl and I sat, and visited, yesterday... it seems like so many of my friends, and I are all swimming parallel, to each other... and it's not until we sit down, and really dig we see may think age has something to do with it...but, not so much...our ages vary...
I look at all of the crossroads, in my life... and obstacles...Mountains, at times... and sigh.... I look in the mirror...and sometimes... don't have a clue...who that person is...looking back....
With me...I think the major blows, I have endured... have taken a greater toll, than I had imagined...
I weep....
I keep running... against the wind...just keep running.... reaching for things that seem so real... only to find...over and over...they're just smoke...and mirrors...
I don't think...I'm alone... in those thoughts...
As Cheryl and I visited... we both agreed about 'The Journey'...and how painful, it can be... but, ultimately, that's where we learn and grow the most... and the One...Sure Thing... in always around us...tho...we wait til we've dropped to our knees, to ask for help...oh my...
I took in the peacefulness, of the morning...with Sweet Polly... She so loves her morning walks...I so love, seeing Nature...and the Morning Glory's Smiling Faces...
Time Marches On...
Love to You...
Barb C.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
I'm Just a This House...
Had some great folks stop by, that Jan, {summer sundays} and the Gals from Leola's, sent our way....Bless Their Hearts.... Little Angels....Elaine and Ron, from Nebraska... they wanted to stop by yesterday.... but...I was wiped out...they agreed to come today....I slammed down a Gallon of Starbucks... and was talking a hundred miles an hour....oh it got me goin'...doubt I made much sense...but I was flyin'!
We even unloaded from the FUSO... They took the Old Black Pie Safe, from Illinois... it will be Darling for Fall....
The phone has been ringing off the hook....I need to get banking, and bookwork done... reload the FUSO... and I have to meet some folks, this afternoon... This entire week, looks Crazy....
So...for a Moment...I'll gaze into the Old Martin Farmhouse....and dream...
Someday...I'll be the Ghost, in This Old Martin House....and rattle, from room to room...
Love to Ya...
Barb C.
{Thanks again Girls...for sending the Sweet Couple...}
We had a Lovely time...
Monday, August 22, 2011
Home...and...Down the Rabbit Hole...
It was a Long weekend...{read the next post...for all of the details...well...most of them...the juicy ones...I'm saving for the book! {just kidding...I don't want a bounty on my head! what happens at Gold Gold Rush!} But a Great Weekend...It's Wonderful to be Home...I'm Exhausted....could barely keep my eyes open, last night, driving home.... Peg was a Chatterbox...kept me talking...We got pulled over in Minnesota, by the State Patrol...they Inspected the truck....wonder what the Officer thought...when he opened my see my dirty stocking feet...{ I was shoeless...while loading....} I apologised... but...he accepted it...way too quick....oh my...what a mess...}I had a couple of marker lights out.... so just a Warning....{glad I had my paperwork in order...oh my...} Peg was whirling....she had asked earlier, if I wanted her to drive.... because I was so wiped... she was sooo glad I declined her offer.... she wasn't sure she could have handled the officer...I would have been a Gas, watching her try! {oh dear... her eyes were as big as she would say.... her ears were twitchin', and buckies showing!!! just observing....}
I so, want to thank...Peg... Lynn and Lea for So Much Help...I am still down with the crud...{2 weeks, now...} my energy, comes and gone...when I really need it! So....without them, it would have been a real tuff road...
Thanks, to Amy...{the little Cobra! oh my...and Allyson, for keeping everything, in perspective...what a tribe, we are...} {LOOK OUT NASHVILLE SPRING 2012!!! We're Comin' Back!}
Thank You!!!!!
Love to Ya!
Barb C.
{as I sit here, writing this...after putting the new song on, 'Home' for lead...I think, how much Scarlett, {Gone With the Wind} and I have in common...we both get our strength, from the Earth, our Home, rests the Mad Hatter...and Dorthy...would say...there is no place like Home...a.k.a. "The Rabbit Hole"...
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