That's one Gnarly Chandelier! My Pal's, Tommy, {Holding the Queen Mother of Gnarliness} and Sweet Polly, { Holding her home made Margarita's, in that little red cooler} popped in for a fast visit, last night! What a Blast! Our butt's were draggin the ground, when these girls pulled up, their Energy was contagious! We all came back to life! Lot's of wonderful Laughter filled the air!
There's a long story that goes with the Chandelier, no time today, but soon!
We worked til late, tarping for the rain, it is truly a mess, so everyone will be diggin! It was quite beautiful, for a brief moment, and lasting all of 5 minutes, maybe 6. Oh well.. Looks like Saturday and Sunday will be o.k.
We had several people stop, and shop, yesterday,{ to get ahead of the rain!} so I'm digging out more stuff, and am going to try and make sense out of a bunch of sardine cans! Peg and Val worked sooo hard, yesterday, and the main buildings are passable! Their displays are darling! Thank God, for those Gals!
Gotta Go! Mark is going to be here at 7, to set his things up! Yikes!
Barb C
1 comment:
I saw that chandelier hanging from Tommie's front porch last week- very pretty in the sun....this I gotta see in person! Rain Rain go AWAY!!!
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