I was gifted with this wonderful Chair, from my pal Val! What a sweet surprise! I had the boys bring it in the house, and found a great spot, in my bedroom, beside my bed for it! LOVE IT!!! I sat up, the other night, reading 'Gone with the Wind', in it!{ I've only watched the movie 500 times...or more....} The Vintage Coverlet, is also a gift, from Polly Ann, when Peg and I were at her store, last week, she handed it to me, and said I should do something with it... When I
received the chair, I thought the old Coverlet would be beautiful, with it! It is perfect! { and very warm!}
Thanks Gals!
Hi Barb, sorry I haven't been over here for a little while, I have tried to catch up. Love your gifted chair... so beautiful! I wanted to tell Jan in advance that I send my hugs and love, but I think she's already left. Oh, How I'd love to come for a visit...snow and all, and as for plants, that's what I'm doing today. Bringing the geraniums in that I've had for seven years. I winter them because I have such big beauties! Take care of yourself, and listen to your body. Loved your moon ornament!
What a beautiful chair. What goes around comes around!!
I adore your beautiful chair! What a wonderful gift. True Friends are priceless aren't they?
You are truly blessed.
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