I captured this image, at Polly Ann's,{ she is
sooo creative} A reader asked where her store is... it is in Mt.Vernon, Iowa. Only 15 minutes east of Cedar Rapids.{Polly has a blog spot, {
pollyanns}and is one of my followers, just click on her site, and meet the girl!} All the shops Peg and I visited on Tuesday, were in Mt.Vernon. I kid you not, this Wonderful Eastern Iowa Territory is Loaded with the best Antiquing, Anywhere! I have travelled all over the country, and there is no place like home.... I truly believe, we have an interesting heritage here. When folks settled here, from the east, they planted very deep roots, in the rich, black soil, of Eastern Iowa... They didn't move on, many generations have lived, and stayed here, we are a frugal group. We save everything. We are the first re-
purpose'rs, so wonderful things still exist, that folks settled with...We are quite spoiled, and think these treasures are everywhere...not so...We take much for granted, because the antiques are so readily available to us...{not too smart...}
A 60 mile radius of Cedar Rapids, and a couple of days to gather, will fill a Semi, with affordable, wonderful, treasures...I Promise! I would love to take all of my readers on a week long cruise, via Farm Land... You would leave inspired, meet the most wonderful Folks, have all of your partners mad at me, because you had to rent a
Penske, to get all of your gatherings home, and at your departure you would ask, "Is this heaven?" my reply, "Yes, this is Iowa..."
'til next time,
Barb C.
p.s. who ever was the writer for that movie,{Field of Dreams} never lived here, and definitely never antiqued here...
I have been to Mt. Vernon and I agree that Iowa has many cool and wonderful places to shop and hunt for antiques. I have even picked the trash in Fairfield!
If you haven't been to Mt.Vernon lately, you haven't seen Mt.Vernon... It has really grown, and blossomed! About Fairfield... well, I have been there, but never have found much...Fairfield is not on my route...Too far South!
Barb C.
Right on sister...Iowa rocks!!!
Having lived in Colorado and Florida, they can't compare to the down home feelings you get from us Iowans...steadfast and determined...AND never throw anything away!!! Love it and glad I'm back!
You make me smile!!!
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