My Polly, she is such a sweetie, but one big 80 pound ball of muscle! When she says 'Go!', you go...and so goes your back! {she thinks she's human, french, windsor, or wing back...they all belong to Polly...}
Yipee!!!! I'm so happy to hear you have a closing date. When is that baby due again? Oh, I'm so glad! It has been a very long journey for you and you fought a good fight, hon. Way to go! I'm at the shop for a while today if you are out and about... may be heading to Davenport for a tag sale this afternoon... like I need more :0?
I'm no so sure about this...
Yipee!!!! I'm so happy to hear you have a closing date. When is that baby due again? Oh, I'm so glad! It has been a very long journey for you and you fought a good fight, hon. Way to go! I'm at the shop for a while today if you are out and about... may be heading to Davenport for a tag sale this afternoon... like I need more :0?
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