Cool old Chest! I don't normally purchase 1920's furniture, but when I spied this unusual piece, at a sale a while back, I had to buy it! It is sooo cool, with the curved top, and after John worked is Magic, on the surface, Wow! It is a Sweetie! I will put this in the store, next week!
I had a minor 'melt down', yesterday, but am now moving foreword... I am excited about the Midwest Show, and have been polishing up all the treasures I will be taking! Here's a short list:
1830's Cherry Chest of Drawers
1890's Pine Amana Standing Desk, with original Red Surface {From an Amana Store}
1880's Pine Amana Bench {constructed with 18 inch pine boards and Original Red Surface}
1890's Pine Amana Cupboard, Single Door, with Homestead, Iowa, written on the inside { Brown Paint, 50 inches tall, 30 inches wide, 20 inches deep}
1880's Pine Amana Cupboard, Jelly Cupboard size, with original Black Wash, 2 doors over 2 drawers...{ this is an unusual cupboard, nice petite size}
1890's Pine 2 board top 10 foot long, 24 inches wide, 6 legged Store Table,{painted old Green, petite tapered legs, top has a gallery} from Monticello, Iowa Estate.
2, 1870's Amana Christmas Trees { these are constructed from Amana Quilt Stands, and You put Live Evergreen in them}
2 1870's Multi-Paned Arched Windows
Several Victorian Crazy Quilts { gathered recently}
Taxidermied Pheasant
Late 1700's to Early 1800's Tea Caddy
Pine Dovetailed Candle Box
Late 1800's concrete urns {with Gnarly surface}
Red and Green Folk Art House
5 foot Tall, Painted White, Octagon, Footed Pedestal
1860's Pennsylvania 12 Tin Pie Safe { as found, very Gnarly and wonderful! This will be it's last show...}
Note: If you are not familiar with 'Amana Colonies',{ a German Settlement} I like to say they were somewhat like the Shakers, they settled here in the mid 1800's, in seven villages, they lived a 'communal life'. Ate together daily, at the Communal Kitchen, at each village, and every family had their own duties for the community, it all ended in the 1930's. These wonderful old pieces are getting few and far between... When they are gone, they are gone... I have kept a few things for myself, and I know they are a great investment. { and wonderful fragments of our Early Iowa Heritage!}
This is what I can pull from the top of my head... I will also be gathering up some Christmas pieces, textiles, paper items, and whatever sticks to me, as I am walking out the door! There will be nothing priced over 600.00, that belongs to me.
The Store Will be open, and I can always be reached on my cell. I am excited to be a part of this show, and am looking foreword to seeing everyone! The booth will be facing the Back Wall, and listed under Mark Nutt, 'Nutt's about Antiques'. Mark is bringing mainly smalls, but is fronting the booth with a fabulous Arched Entry Way, it will be Beautiful! I know we will do the best we can!
Hope to see ya!
Barb C.
hi Barb, it's KILLING me that Linda and I can't be there for the sale. Your furniture is always to die for. Good luck.
Hey Bev,
Glad you got on blogger! Now you have to 'post' something! Wish you Girls could take in this Show... You would LOVE IT!!!
I will try and get some images, it's always so hard to to that, because I keep 'fluffing', all the time!
Glad to hear from you!
Barb C.
p.s. I love your name! crowbiddy!!!!
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