Peg and I spent a lot of time here, at Polly's. You have to. Her shop is kind of like mine, in one respect, it seems to go on and on... All sorts of nooks and cranny's, Polly, and her many Dealers, do a wonderful job in having a huge variety of cool things. Truly something for everyone. Beautiful vintage furniture, farm related items,
children's things, fabric, kitchen collectibles, painted furniture, oak pieces, retro pieces, the list could go on and on...The BIG difference in our Stores, is size... This store is HUGE! Peg and I were on a tight schedule, so we couldn't spend the day, but we had a great time wondering through, and gathering lots of fun,
affordable stuff! Polly and her Father, Bob, work hard to find great antiques, and keep the prices very good... They do a wonderful job... Peg, Polly and her husband Bob, and I enjoyed lunch together, at 'Skillet', the food was amazing, as always, and the conversation was wonderful!
Ditto on Polly, she is as sweet as pie. I could sop her up with a biscuit. And her place is fantastic.
Keep going girls... you're doing fine...my ego is being nicely stroked! Love you all!
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