In the center, is my dear friend, John...on the left, his Mother, Jan, and right, his Darling Sister, Kay... The came for an afternoon stroll, through the disaster area,{my shop} and we had a nice visit... I have known John, for many years...and a kinder, gentler soul, you will never find... He used to own a wonderful Steakhouse, in Cedar Rapids, and was struck down, with a virus, that attacked his heart... We nearly lost him... He could no longer run the Steakhouse, it took him a long, long time to recover... He does woodworking, and carpentry, now... or did... When he jumped out of his pick up, I noticed he was wearing boots... ah, no, a boot... a walking cast... He was helping his Dad, early this spring, up high on a ladder, fell, his leg was caught in the ladder, he didn't know it, until he stood up, that the bones in his leg, went through his flesh, and straight into the ground... it was a horrific, compound fracture... He was sent to Iowa City, and they saved his leg... The doctors said, with this kind of a break, it usually calls for an amputation... Oh my.... Does John complain... Nope... Always a smile, on this kind Mans face...What a Guy...
His Sister, Kay, is also in the restaurant business. I have got to get to one of them! Her specialty is Home Made Pies.... She has one restaurant, "Country Junction", in Dyersville, Iowa, and one in Independence, Iowa, "Homestead"... I can't wait! She decorates them with 'Family' Antiques, as well as fun treasures she finds, out and about! I don't get up that way much, these days, but I intend to take a 'road trip' soon, just to sample some pie! She says everything is 'home cooked', and that sounds wonderful to me... I spend so much time on the road, fast food, simply doesn't cut it... The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, their Mom, Jan seemed to have a good time diggin' around the Shop, and harvested one of my favorite 'potato mashers'. I use one just like it, at home, it's about 100 years old, and I have never found one that works better!
It was really good to see them... John is so inspiring... I whine and complain, about a 'tweaked' back, and you would never hear a peep out of John...Priceless.
'til next time,
Barb C.
1 comment:
I am so happy your sweet friends visited and made your day special. They know a great friend when they see one! ;) Luv~Betty!
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