Oh Yea, they got'er all in! They probably had to hold their breath, all the way home, but who hasn't on a great 'Road Trip'! I was sooo happy to meet Jan,{summersundays} she is as sweet and gentle { and accepting of my menagerie} as her delightful blog... Her sisters, Jean and Judy, and friend Brenda, were absolutly wonderful... They made my day! They were headed to the Amana's and to visit Sharon,{sweetrepose} and hit Sister's Garden, and Barntiques. I am sure they had a wonderful time shopping the area. They had stopped in Mt.Vernon, and had a great time at Polly Ann's, {pollyanns} I told them they needed a much bigger truck, and several days, next time!
Polly and I decided we should take a road trip, and visit the Gals! I would LOVE to see their place!
'til next time,
Barb C.
We looooooved your store. We're still talking about it. You & Polly come on down. I've got 2 spare bedrooms & know all the best places. We didn't catch up with Sharon but we found her area at Noe Haus. We're headed back to Mo. packed as tight as we can get. Be back in the spring. Thanks, again. Jan
Let me know when you're ready to go, Barb! I think we would have a ball together. Love ya - Pol
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