What an interesting day... Started out with calling a friend, Pam, who is closing her wonderful store, in Monticello, Iowa, and starting a new venture, in the Music Industry... How cool is that... We will all miss her store, but I can't wait to come 'Jam' with them! She needed some gnarly old chairs, I needed some cool junk... So I threw a bunch of chairs on the truck, and away I went... Ah, about 20 miles...until... my left front wheel decided it was time for a rest... It sounded like I had a bunch of wire wrapped around the axle, and lots of clunking and grinding....not good... I pulled over, climbed underneath, couldn't see anything out of place, backed it up, cut the wheels, to the right, and then left, climbing under, and checking axle joints, nothing....Called John, no answer, called my son, he said he would come, but I Really want him to get his hours in... with sooo much rain, his paycheck has been mighty slim... called John, again, no answer, I was getting pretty perturbed, that I couldn't get a hold of John, { he can be right next to the phone, and let it ring... GRRRR} I had no phone book, so I called my wonderful friends at the Bank, in Fairfax, and they gave me our friend, Marks number, who does all of our major mechanical work... I explained what had happened, my fears, that this could be a gear, in the transfer case, or something to do with the 4 wheel drive unit, or axle joint, his reply was, Hmmmm. Well, any damage that has been done, is done, I'd limp it on home... So with emergency flashers goin, I started creeping back home... I drove about 7 miles, and my wheel was wobbling, and I could here internal noises, like I have never heard before in my life, {I have a lot of experience with noises on vehicles....}{ called John, no answer} I was getting pretty nervous, that I may loose that wheel... So I called Mark back, 'Hey, you don't think I could loose this wheel, do ya?", "Well, I suppose it's possible...The bolt on the axle should keep it in place..." Not much reassurance... I told him, if he would happen to see my husband.... well, tell him to call.... Just then he said, "Speak of the devil..." I asked him to please put him on... He headed my way, I kept rollin, easy, and missed him en-route, we met up at home...{ I swear when these little Ford's have issues, some how, they always get you home...} John said, " Now don't be mad at the Truck, it's our fault, for not fixing that wheel bearing when it started making noise..." I am not mad at the Truck, it got me home, and I truly hope it is only a wheel bearing...{ it sounds a lot more serious than a bearing...} But, Old Faithful,{the baby truck} was ready to go! The Little Ford was more than happy to carry the load of chairs to Pam, and I loved taking it for a trip! What is it about old reliable four wheeled friends? I stopped to fill'er up, grabbed my favorite lunch, a Snowball, and Snickers, with a Coke, and away we went! I turned on the radio, to hear my favorite new song, "I'm Alive", by Kenny Chesney, and a big smile came over my whole body.... I'm alive, and well...
Made my 120 mile trip, in no time flat, the Little Ford seemed to be singin'! Spent several hours with Pam, and harvested some COOL STUFF! { a 10 foot, 6 legged, Country Store table, with great, old green paint, and a cool, trim moulding around the 2 board top, from the early 1900's, a huge floor grate, a tin dough bowl, some beautiful silver plate pieces, a lightning rod ball, and stand, some old tin coving pieces, some sweet little stools, and a bunch more! It was a great day, considering how it started out!
I am alive, and well... I just hope the Ford will be o.k.
I visited with Steph and Patty, {Fern Hill} they did a quilt show in Houston, Texas, and stayed the night with my friend, Ed, on their way home, in Brenham, Texas... They were blown away by their store, Leftovers, and had a wonderful visit! They blew the Doors off of the Houston Show, and are really pumped, with all of the new clients they attracted, from all over the world!
I am supposed to be on the road, again today, but it was going to be a long haul, and I don't know if I'll go...I'll see which way the wind is blowin' when I stepout the door...
See Ya,
Barb C.
You crack me up!!! You honestly know all that stuff about your truck? I was darned impressed and great attitude too. I know you think your shop is a mess but if you ran into it on your journeys, wouldn't you think you'd found a treasure? We did. Hope it's something simple with the truck & that the sun is shinning on you today. Later, Jan
Sounds like quite an adventure. Hope it all works out okay! Is that Cindy's sister? I don't get down there very often, but have seen her stuff... way cool! Congrats on that awesome table. LOVE IT!
I'm drooling, what an awesome table!! The whole load sounds amazing. Hey last month or so I asked if you still had that long wooden princess sign and how much if you are selling it? It's been so long I can't remember if it said princess or something else anyway if you do let me know.
~The Sweet Gardenia
you put more miles under your belt in a day, than I do in a week!! I can't ever see much holding YOU down... if I had to explain what was going on re: a noise with the vehicle, the word "thingy" would be used several times!!
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