What would I do without my Pals! I am totally exhausted, but getting it done! My Savior, Peg arrived around noon, today and totally kicked butt! She has been whipping through buildings, like a 'Mad Woman', my friend, Lynn brought some wonderful corn stalks and the Coolest berries, like white Bittersweet! He helped move heavy stuff, and probably wished he would have stayed home! {we put him to work!} Tons of fun stuff came rolling in.... WOW! Gayle and Dale brought cool stuff in this evening, and Liz and Carolyn A. came out to lend a hand! We bought another 12x26 foot tent, and the guys got it all together, we're ready for the rain!{ it will be wonderful for the 4th of July, in Mt.Vernon!} Mark brought out a cool load, I'll get more images tomorrow! I have got to find the recliner!
Barb C.
I'm so excited for you... hope to see you tomorrow night. Maybe I can bring some margs???? hmmmm
You are getting me so excited!!! I will see you Friday, rain or no rain!
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