Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I should have been loading...

The last three days, instead of getting my work done, gathering things together for 'Gold Rush', I've been goofing off. Am I stressed, nervous, tearing my hair out? Nope. I've been visiting with my friends... Yesterday, I spent several hours with my dear friend Polly...I was so glad we had the opportunity to get to know each other a little better, it's amazing how many things we have in common. I think we could have talked for days...Then I spent several hours helping my friends at Fern Hill, load their truck for 'Junk Bonanza', after loading, we got a little loaded ourselves, on great wine and conversation, around the fire. We called our friend, Ed, from 'Leftovers', in Texas, and laughed until we cried! Priceless... The day before, I spent a big share of my day, as you know, with my friend, Don. It was hi-time I visited his wonderful store. A real treat... And today.... I went to Sister's Garden, popped in at Barntiques, on the way, and had a wonderful chat with Nancy, the proprietor, and Sweet Carolyn A., who is taking on a large space in the 'Barn', it's really a neat store, and I never leave empty handed! I was greeted at Sister's, with the most wonderful Mums, that was my reason for the drive, I needed some of her beautiful Mums for my booth, and Steph, from Fern Hill, needed a bunch of them and Bittersweet, for her Show. Barb always has the best, and the best prices! So Barb H. and I picked out some beautiful ones. Barb surprised me with a darling gift, a little plaque, that reads 'At Rest', she had no idea that I have been collecting these for my bedroom, Barb said it was for my soul, my soul needs peace... She's right, she's always right. I think this 'goofing off', is my soul, seeking, and finding peace. I always run it down to the wire, always, but I get pretty frantic, the closer my nose gets to the line... not today. No apologies, I'll get done what I can, and what doesn't get done, well, doesn't... I made fast tracks, to Fern Hill, with the beautiful flora, picked up some cool pumpkins, from a Farm Market, hit the grocery store, then home, and found the recliner... I'll load in the morning....175 miles today, is enough... On a sad note, some dear friends of mine, have recently had a sudden death in their family. Their entire family are in my prayers, and I hope others who read this, will include them too. 'til next time, Barb C.


summersundays-jw said...

Sisters looks amazing. We had hoped to come to your show this weekend but just didn't work out. Maybe next time. Good luck with your loading and with the show. We'll look forward to pictures so don't forget the camera. Jan

pollyanns said...

Thanks for a fantastic get away day. Can I get the buffet next week or do you want me to call Justin and get it sooner? Just let me know. Have a fantastic time at Rochester. I am half toying with the idea of coming up to shop it on Friday, but then again...