Just look at the wonderful booth Sadie put together! {with a little help from Grandma and Grandpa...} She was a great helper! Lynn and Lea brought up wonderful Farm Stuff, and really made a darling display... They go to Farm Auctions and Shows, they gather the most interesting things! We sold tons of their stuff, at the Spring Sale, I'm so glad they brought up another load!
My area's are coming along, slowly... I'll keep chipping away, and it will get done!
til next time,
Barb C.
You sound like the "little engine that could!" Prayers for you for calmness... because Thursday will come regardless and we don't want you too tuckered out so you can't enjoy the crowds of people that will be visiting. I keep going back to that picture of that round jar thingy. How would that look with my stained glass sorted by color in it!!! hmmm??? I think that would be a winner... Can't wait to see ya!
What a little cutie she is, and oohhhh, all that great fall goodness. Just love all the wonderful stuff on display and the pumpkin farm photos are awesome. Makes me want to come north for fall. Have a great week!
Good to teach them to be antique lovers while they're young! Ha ha! Are those old Samsonite suitcases/travel case? They look like the ones my 82 year old mother used to have and gave to me! Neat stuff!
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