Thursday, September 10, 2009

Larry, Curly, and Moe... Oh, I mean Barb, Lori and Sharon...

{ click on the image to read the notes...}


Joan@anthinggoeshere said...

What are those owl things? Are they a part of those urns and do they have the metal rings around them? Wow those are wonderful.

One Gal's Trash said...

Is there anything better than a truck full of great junk? I think NOT! Thanks for joining One Gal's Trashy Pals!

cconz said...

alright, 2 of my favorite girls!! Look out when you 2 get together.

A Wild Thing said...

Did I say BITCHES...ha!!! What a just goes to prove that you can't hide anything from a good junker...we always score our mark, even if it's someone elses...good to see ya Barb, we gotta do this more often...see ya soon...@#$%^&