I had a wonderful time visiting this Store, there is truly something for everyone. I spent several hours visiting with Don, and shopping. I observed others shopping, and loving the diverse inventory Don has collected, it
absolutely is a 'must see', when visiting our area!
I can't wait to head back your way. We didn't allow enough time--we were headed to Cedar Rapids for a show. We made it to Sisters but only about an hour before closing. We did hit a few shops in the Amana Colonies, but definitely need to plan better. Lots of great shopping your way. Hope to get there soon--including your shop. You always had the most fab set-up at Heart of Country.! Bet you thought I forgot that! I didn't.
Take care,
We want to make this trip again but are having a difficult time fitting it in. We'll keep trying. You make it very appealing. Jan
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