Monday, April 15, 2024

Snippet... Snippet... Snippet, of The May 2 - 5 Estate Sale.

We've hauled in... nearly 30, 6 foot tables, to display on.

We'll be unpacking... and sorting until Sale Time.
; )

We keep finding more, and more.
Haven't touched The Huge... Garage/Woodworker's Attic, yet.
Bill, and me... did push the Beautiful...
1950 Olds 88, inside the garage, tonight.
Had to Move Mountain's to Do It... but, there was No Way... we could risk that Olds, havin' 'hail' touch it.

Big Storms... coming.
: ( : ( : (

{that... 'Flood' warning...
Really Worries me, here... at Home. 
; )
Not much sleep... tonight.

IDOT has left us... in a Worrisome Place.
A Flooding Pit. 
I, now... have worried, for the last 4 years... since this 151 highway 'project', with every drop of rain.
We've 'flooded' 15 times, since... in drought years.
Many... have seen the images.
 Our... finished basement is gone.
 Can't fix it, until IDOT 'Fixes' their recorded 'promise' to us. 
It would be futile.
{or... 'Silly'... according  to the The State's 'Lawyers'.}
Stay tuned... to this 'story'... too. oh my. What a ride.
8 Years, and counting... with Fairfax, and IDOT.
10 years... actually.
'Fairfax'... came to 'visit' shortly after John passed away, wanting to 'buy'  a part of our land.
Pal, Steph... remembers that 'meeting', very well. I asked her, to join me...while meeting with the 'then'... mayor, and Fairfax's 'still'... to this day...
'Hired' Engineer. 
Steph... remembers that 'meeting' very well. }

This Home...  and Workshop...
Are Packed!!
; )

If One More Person Asks Me...
"How do people ever accumulate so Much???"

I, may... come Unglued!!!
; )
: )

Here's The Deal...

'THESE' Folk's... have Never Moved...
 from the 'Home'...
They 'Built', nearly 70 Years ago.
Few... can say that, or Imagine That.. 
'These' Days.
; )

When Folks 'Move'... throughout their lives, they get 'rid' of things, with each 'Move'.
These Folk's... 'Built' a Happy Home, in the 1950's...
Stayed There.
So Tired of Folks Pickin' on 'em!!
: )
I... Admire Them!!
{For Many Reasons.}
; )

Yes... Yes... Yes, There's Mountain's to go through.
It's gonna be TIGHT... in The Home... and Workshop, getting through.
So Be It.
; )

After nearly 70 Year's of Livin', in one place...
 It Should Be.
; )

I'll be posting 'Snippets'... Daily, until Sale Time.
Most likely will post a video... as well.
; )

Stay Tuned.

Love to Ya...
Prayers for All.

Barb C.

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