Sunday, April 7, 2024

'Easter' Saturday... In The Country. {I'll be posting a 'few' more images of The May 2 - 5 Estate Sale this Evening.}

; )

Wore my favorite... hooded jacket, yesterday... while visiting the Kids, for
'Easter' Saturday.
Says It All!!
; )

The Girl's... always beat me to the car door, before I have a chance to get out!!
{Magnum, The Great Dane... Too!! <3}
LOVE Seeing Those SMILES!!!
: ) : ) : ) 

Fed the Chickens... off the deck, 'scraps' from preparing 'Easter'... dinner.
The Chicken's Keep a Watchful Eye, on the Deck...
It's off of the kitchen, so... they Know 'Treats'... will be coming with every meal prepared.
: )

After I finished my part of 'Easter'... cookin', 
stood on the deck... overlooking the ponds, the Kids... created last year.
: )
Noticed the Granddaughter's... Fishin'!!
; )

Took a Walk.
; )

Meadow, Willow... and Pup, Gizmo...
were having Quite a Time!!






They Caught Fish... {and released} Left and Right!!
: )

Meadow... can bait her own hook, and take the Fish... off of the hook, Very Well!!
Those Girl's... are So Good with each other.
They Share Everything!!
Gizmo... and Willow, kept busy Diggin' for Worms!!

Justin, 'J'... was gone, with Romeo... when I arrived.
He was helping a neighbor train one of her horses.
: )
When he, and Romeo... got back, The Girls... rode Romeo...
for hours.

That...Romeo, is QUITE a Horse!!
{as Dad would call our horses, and ponies...

Only Very Special... Horses, can wear the 'Title'...

I... gotta tell ya, I was VERY Impressed with Romeo.

Few will 'Stand'... and let little Girls Crawl All Over Them, without Flinching.
The Best Ones.

Meadow... wanted to show me, how... she doesn't need any 'Help'....
climbing on Romeo.
: )




Justin... climbed back on Romeo... late in the day...
and took a Speedy Run!!
: )

Romeo KNOWS, as The Best Horse's Do, 'Who'... is riding them.
I remember... Admiral being So Good, like Romeo.
I could run barrels with him....
jump off, put a child on his back... and he'd just walk.
: )

Those 'Boys'... sure have a Lot of Fun!!

It was a Lovely... 'Easter' Saturday.

{I tend to Spoil... ALL of The Critters, when I visit.
They KNOW I Will... Too!! 
; )
The Pups... All Had Their Share of The Delicious Smoked 'Easter' Saturday Ham, Justin and Bobby prepared.}

Miss. Willow, Loves her Great Grandma Rose's...
: )

Frank... {Christy's Dad...} said he'd eaten... Way Too Much!!!
We All Did!!
; )
Christy... made some Amazing Food!!
{Her Spinach Dip... is to Die For!! ; ) }
She Knows How to Cook!!
She's a 
'Farm Girl'!!
; )

As I was loading food in Sally, heading to see the Kids... 
the phone rang.
It was a Dear... Friend.
We visited for a long time.
So long... I was running a little late.
that was ok.
: )

then, as I was just backing out of the drive...
the phone rang, again.
When I saw who was callin'...
put Sally in park.
: )

That... was a much needed, and appreciated, call.
: )

Both 'Caller's'... have their own... Very Special... 'Way'... of putting my mind at 'rest', when 'Life'...
 is such a Twisted...Tangled... Knotted...
 Fishing Line.

; )

Much... and Many, to be Thankful For.

Love to Ya...
Prayers for All.

Barb C.

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