Thursday, April 18, 2024

A Few More Snippet's of The May 2 - 5 Estate Sale!!

Pal, Bill... found the above, while working in the Massive Garage/Woodworking Shop, yesterday.
; )
There's Many... Old Tins.
There's MUCH... of Everything, in the House, and Shop!!
Oh My!!
: )

I was Determined to get through the Kitchen, yesterday.
Nearly... got it done.
not... quite.
; )

There's So Much Baking, and Cooking related items, oh my.
Evelyn... LOVED to Cook and Bake!!

Evelyn's Daughter in Law, and my long time Friend, Lee...
has insisted on helping us, in her free time.
Lee helps so many... between her Church, and the Food Pantry.
She's a Worker Bee, and a very Kind Soul.
; )

We got part of this Bedroom...done.
; )
There's MUCH... that isn't pictured....
in EVERY Room, but... will be, as we go.
; )

Got a Kick... out of the Avon Truck, and Camper.
: )
Too Cute!!
Love old perfume bottles, and the Cinderella Slipper Swede Dressing.
: )
I've never seen that brand before.
; )

Evelyn clipped so many recipes... and poems, over the years.
The above... was attached to her dresser mirror.
<3 <3 <3 
It... warmed my heart, when I read it.
What a Beautiful 'Reminder'... to reflect on, every evening.

I'd written this post, last night.... as promised, but, again...
Practiced the 'Pause'.
; )
With the rain... my mind's been whirling overtime.
 Worry... so much, worry, now... when it rains.
 the anger sets in.
: (
 'Read my Mind'.
; )

Love to Ya...
Prayers, for All.

Barb C.

{More images... of Evelyn's Estate Sale, tomorrow.
It's raining, again... today.
believe... I'd better stay close to home.
Sad for The Farmers... but, kinda glad, for us...
 the ground is so dry, from being in a drought, for 4 years, it's soaking the rain in. <3 }
It's those 'Big Rains'... when they come... that keeps me on needles and pins. The Ones... the Wet Vac, won't stand a chance with.
Had... IDOT,
 simply... simply... simply...
 our recorded agreement, 'promise'... oh my. }

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