Friday, April 19, 2024

Another... Tiny, 'Snippet'. Stay Tuned!! We're getting Closer to Showin' The BIG... Picture.

Yeah... at this point, and over the next many days... 
we'll just be posting tiny snippets of The May 2 - 5 Estate Sale.
; )

Ran across many records today.
; )
Oh My.
: )
They are 'My' Kinda... Music.
; )

Sorted through Mountain's of Sewing Items... 
; )

Found Rudy... Tucked Away!!

So Many... Wonderful Old Children's Books!!
of course...
The 'Farm' Book... was My Personal Favorite!!


; )
'Simply.... 'Iowa'.
; )

Attended Roosevelt Jr. High, in Cedar Rapids.
Before it was a Junior High, it was a High School.

Not certain... if the above came from my 
It's Cool... No Matter!!
; )

Roy Rogers... and Trigger!!!

Friend, and Evelyn's Daughter in Law... Lee, brought me and Pal, Bill...
some Amazing Bread, and Baked Goodies, today.
: )
Lee and I worked in Evelyn's home... while Bill, busted his Fanny, in the Workshop, today.
Oh... My.
; )

As Lee... and I, were sorting Mountain's of Yarn, and Crafting Supplies, my phone rang.
Friend's from Texas... were sliding through, on a 'Buying Trip'.
; )
They were sitting outside The Rabbit Hole, when they called.
I... couldn't leave the Estate, but... told them to go ahead and dig around the Rabbit Hole, and let me know if they had any questions.
: )
{When I write about The Amazing Folks... that, I've met through that Insane... Rabbit Hole, over the years... 
Know, I mean it.}
; ) 

Allison, and Rick... found a Treasure.
; )
told them to just drop a check, on Jethro's seat.
: )

What I... didn't 'expect' was the last response, from Allison.
oh my.
: (..

  Read it, to Lee, when I received it, and was 'Melting'.
broke down, in tears, choked up... big time.
oh my.

It Kills Me, that... the little rabbit hole, is such a broken, and... beaten....
shadow of itself, 'these days'... 'after', yet, 
'Those'.... who understand 'soulfulness', can still...
find a little, 'Soulfulness' there... even, when I can't.

I'll be writing more about this, but...
I've made 'The Call'.

'Simply Iowa'...
will not be attending  Junk Jubilee, in Des Moines,
 Gold Rush... 
Rochester, MN.

I'll... bring everyone up to date... tomorrow.

Long Day, today.
; )

; )
oh... my.

Love to Ya...
Prayers for All.

Barb C.

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