Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Back in The Saddle... again.

Back in The Saddle, again... oh my.
Yesterday.... wasn't movin' very fast.
; )
Remember the time John... took a ride down the stairs, like I did... the other night.
Oh Dear!!
He, too... was carrying his Supper.
Oh... Dear!!
He narrowly missed the huge Iron Fireplace Andiron, at the bottom of the stairs, with his head.
: (

It's Amazing... How Quick a Body can move down stairs.
Yeah... Boy!!
: (
Every time I do something stupid, like this... I think of Comedian Ron White, 
'The Dr. Phil Story',  when Ron steps off of the dock.
Phil warned him...
"Big Step... Ron."
: )

was definitely Several Big Steps...  the other night.
: )
I... didn't laugh, when John missed some steps, but... 
I usually do, at myself.
: )
It has to be a Sight to See!!
; )

Above is the Old... Harvest Table, I wrote about yesterday.
Was thinking about the Empire Furniture... that I wrote about, too.
Empire Furniture, has always touched my heart.
It's so Early, and so incredibly well made.
It's never been popular around home.
In Iowa.
In the South... people truly appreciate it.
When Allyson and I... have traveled South, it amazed me at how the prices for Empire Furniture was Over the Moon.
Here... not so much.
Grateful for That.
; )

Was telling the Gal who called yesterday, hunting a table... how everything cycles.
Years ago... nobody wanted painted furniture.
They were stripping furniture, left and right.
Today... original, old... painted pieces, are in Top Demand.
I'm seeing a bit of a comeback in Varnished pieces.
Especially... original, old... Varnished pieces.

I've always bought what I like. Some pieces have old, gnarly paint.
Some... pieces have original old varnished surfaces.
I know Folks...who only want nicely refinished pieces.
To each... their own.

but... I will Always say, 'Vintage'... and 'Antique' Furniture is the Best.
It's lasted 100, 200... years, and will last our lifetime, and then some.
It's Soulful!!
: )
It's Built... and Beautiful.
{in my humble... opinion. ; ) }
It's also... a good investment.
; )

Heading to work at The May 2 -5 Estate Sale, today.
We've brought in 10, 6 foot tables... and will try to squeeze a few more, in the house.
We've been sorting, and stacking... 
we've put many risers on many tables.
Sometimes... Ya have to Go Up...Up...Up!!
; )

The Garage.... is FULL as well.
Tools, and Tools... and Tools!!
Mowers... and Lawn Equipment Galore!!
Oh My!!

Found some fun quotes... this morning, posted them below.
; )

; )

; )


Love to Ya...
Prayers for All.

Barb C.

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