Tuesday, April 25, 2023


: )

Had  kind of a difficult day. 
It turned out, pretty good.
; )

Spent most of the day...
{and... dusting. {not that it needed it. ; ) }

; )

Had an issue with the gas company, they sent a super nice... young Man, out...
: )
When he walked through the House... to get to the furnace, he said...
"Isn't that The Mad Hatter's Hat on the newel post?"
: )

I, said...
"Yes... it is. You're lookin' at Him."
; )
"You've Just... Met, 'The Mad Hatter'."
; )

He Laughed!!
; )
{If... he Only... knew. ; )}

I truly enjoy cleaning house.
Never seem to have enough time, to get it done.
when I clean, and dust... I get to visit Friends.
So many Gifts, over the years... from Friends, and Loved Ones.
What a Pleasure it is... to Dust them off.
; )

Love to Ya...
Prayers, for All.

Barb C.

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