Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Long....Days. Short...Nights.

 Spent the day...yesterday, running.
Playin' 'Catch Up'.
So...far behind, on Everything.
oh my.

Was going to Top...yesterday off, with Fairfax's City Council Meeting.
Got some welcomed 'Sit this one...out.'.
That, was a Blessing.
I took that advise.

Was 2:30 a.m., this morning...when I heard Big Storm Warnings, on t.v.
They woke me up.

I was sleeping in John's recliner, it's much cooler in the new side of the house, where John's 'Cave'
Haven't turned the air, on yet.
Don't want to get acclimated to 'Air'...when I have to work out in the heat during the day.
Make's the high 90's much more difficult to deal with.

I was worried about our Kids, when I heard the warnings.
Called them both, at 3 a.m.
They were in the Line of Fire.

Justin..was up, getting ready to head for work.
Liz...was sound asleep.
They Both...were aware, somehow.
; )

Couldn't get back to sleep.
When daylight arrived...went out, and weed whipped, before it got Toasty.
Unloaded The Ford...
got cleaned up, for a 10:30 appointment with a possible Client.
went on, loaded a Massive 3 piece Bedroom set, that the Estate Sale. the Estate Sale...
with Rain, and Storms...looming, again...
RUSHED to Deliver it.
; )

It's been a 'Day'.
oh my.
; )

Received a call...from The Computer Dr., as I was Flying.
My done.
; (

No fixin' it.
they'll save all of my images, and documents.
{I have 11,000 Images on that little laptop.}

Thank God...for the little laptop, from The Estate Sale, I'm workin'
It's slow, and small...won't let me load images...
but, It Works.
; )

Somehow...I had a chance to Dream, last night...
{this early morning. }
I dreamed of John.
He just appeared, out of the Blue.
{They're all like that.}

Like, my dreams, I felt  Such Relief, seeing His Face.
Told him... "I Knew You'd Never Leave Us!!"
This dream...was different from all of the others, over the years.
oh dear.

John...said, "I left...because I don't love you anymore."

I was speechless.

Looked around, at our 'Home'...
{in the dream...what I saw, was our it was, after the derecho...came through, and IDOT District 6.}
It was Horrible.
A War Zone.
: ( : ( : (.....
{I'd Never Want 'See'...His 'Sanctuary', Everything...he worked his life away for...
: ( : ( : ( 

Told John, I understood...if he didn't love me...anymore, but...I wouldn't leave here, or him...until Things were back in Order.
Like they were...before he left us.
John...Deserved Better, no matter what, than 'This'.

In The Dream...John, and I...worked side by side, cleaning up the carnage, that once was 'Home'.
I left him.

Found a little place, beside a River.
It was So Cool.
An...old, old...sprawling House.
; )

As I was moving in...John stopped by, he told me...he thought it was a little 'small'.
; )
I took him for a Tour.
; )
It was Much Bigger, than it appeared.
; )
walked him out the front door, that faced The River.

I, said..."Look, only a few steps, and you cast a fishin' line. ; ) Perfect."
: ) John...
"That's 'Heaven'...Baby."
; )

In my Dream...
John, agreed.

This Old World...has turned Upside Down.
'Twilight Zone'.
; )

oh my.
: (

Thank God...for 'Dreams'.

Love to Ya...
Prayers, for All.

Barb C.

{I'll be 'Computer Hunting' in a day, or two.

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