Thursday, June 30, 2022

Kickin' The Crutches....and 'Time'.

Got a bit of news...yesterday.
The appears, are starting to Turn.


This IDOT/Fairfax...Mess, has been like a Festering Boil.
So...Incredibly Painful, for Years....and Years.
Can't get away from it.
The only time I could...was with help...from 'The Crutches'...
 anything...that would hold a Flame.
; )

If you've read my blog...over the years, you know...'Trust' Everything, to me.
It's the Foundation...of solid relationships, and well being.

There's been Nothing Solid, while dealing with IDOT, and Fairfax.
Only...Constant Shifting Sand.
Not just for me....but for Everyone...around me.
: (

The 'Crutches'...have kept me numb.
That's been a very good thing, for some Folks.

Not...for my liver, and those who love...and care about me.

The Wheels of Justice, turn so incredibly slow.
They've finally, Finally...broken loose.
Time for me, well.
; )

Keeping Busy, working....was, and is... my Salvation.
Sadly...working here, and being slapped in the face, day after day....
has not been good.
The constant flooding, with no response, or very little, at best....from IDOT, and Fairfax...has been crippling.

The worst...have been the lies.
Especially...from those, I thought...mistakenly, we could trust, and should be able to trust.

While visiting with Budwardo...yesterday morning, he good I look, I've lost some weight, and seem healthier.
I Burst Out Laughing!!!

Told Bud...."Looks are Deceiving."

Stress...Constant...Stress, From Eating Me Alive.

Daughter, terrified, this Battle with IDOT, and going to kill me.
I, know...others, have the same concern.
If it wasn't for our Lawyer... I most likely....would be dead.
That's frightening. 
it's the truth.
{I see why, so few go after The Machine, called IDOT. }

They've definitely...stolen my passion, for what I used to love so, along with our Trees, Driveway... Drainage... and Land.

I've felt like a Racehorse...with the Reins Held Back Tight.

They're beginning to loosen, Finally.

I need to be in Top Shape, for This...Final Stretch of The Race.
It may be a long one.

I can't get into the details...but, it appears, we may be heading to Trial.

This...what's been Us, Wrongfully....Intentionally...
should Never...Ever....Be Done, to Anyone, Ever...Again.

 Am I gonna quit enjoying cool refreshing beverages....forever.
Heck No!
; )

Just no more...Self Medicating. No More...Numbing The Pain.
I'll enjoy sippin' I used to, with Friends, over good times....again, someday.
Not at Home...alone, anymore.

It appears...
The Race Is On.
; )

Would deeply appreciate your Prayers, for us...on this Final Stretch.
May be reaching some of You, for a hand.

Love to Ya.
Prayers, for All.

Barb C.

{Such a shame. Peggy, the Sweetheart, whose Mom, we're doing the Upcoming Living Estate Sale, for.... said....just last night, "There's some liquor at Mom's...we don't want it. Help yourself!!"
Don't want to be Tempted, having it Here.
No Way!! }


{Wrote the above post I was thinking...about what's one of the most heartbreaking 'Losses', concerning this wrongful mess. 
This all started really coming down, when I was working on Bob's Sale, on Linden Drive.
in March/April 2017. It actually Started before that, many months...but, Really got interesting, and Messy... during Bob's Sale.

I remember making calls to District 6, and speaking with someone...the Only one...there, I truly thought I could trust.
oh my...
The recent Public Records, brought me Straight to Reality, how Foolish I was to have believed a single word he said, back then.

He had me chasing my tail.
So did Fairfax, over that same period of time.

Never a straight answer. 
Each...blaming the other.

I remember taking notes, at that I worked, and spoke with the 'kind', from District 6, often.
He was so 'Helpful'.


That...was the beginning.
I remember him Roaring with Laughter, when I told him, what The Mayor, and Council said to me, about a 'Trail' to 151....during an Open City Council Meeting.
{when they Finally admitted, there was a The Plans.}
They Said....
"This Is All On IDOT. 
We Never Asked for a Trail.
We were Forced by IDOT."

That....was a Lie.
{we know
They actually Asked IDOT for it, back in 2012.}

The 'kind'...District 6 man, said...after he was done Roaring....
"The IDOT Isn't In The 'Trail Building Business"...we build Roads."

That...was Also...a lie.

Take a look at Us, and The Bridge...that adjoins our property.
How IDOT...nicely Built a Trail, on The Bridge, Elevated The Bridge, to Accommodate Fairfax's Trail...and Graded for a to the Highway, for Fairfax's well. 
Leaving an Ugly...Wrongful...Flooding...Mess.


One run around...after another, from them all.
They're Still At It.

Wasn't until October of 2018, that I Finally...Broke Down, and called Josey Wales, our Lawyer. 
I waited Far..too Long. 
He had everything straightened out, in short we thought.

IDOT, and Fairfax...had other wrongful....ideas.
{again...those Public Records, paint quite a Timeline, and Portrait. }


I was skippin' down Memory Lane, yesterday.
Remembering what Life....was like Before....

It wasn't easy...I'd just lost Mom, John...and Peg.
Sadly...through 'this' going on it's 6th. year... 'Mess', from the very beginning, there's been many more losses.

Many Blessings, too.
Sadly....'Time'....has been lost, taken from Those Blessings, also...because of the Lies.

Time...none of us will ever have, again.

I was thinking about Dave, Mitchell's Dad, who sadly passed away...suddenly... Monday.
He was a year younger than me.

I hate regrets. I can feel them, sinking in...concerning 'Time'.
We were given No Choice...but to fight.

The flooding, the lies...the breaching of our recorded agreement.
How MANY Have THEY Done This To???
How Many MORE...would They Continue to Do This To...if we didn't stand up???

I have to wonder, always lives would be different, had Fairfax's hired engineer Not sent his Request to IDOT, in 2012...asking them to include a Trail for Fairfax, next to one of the Most Dangerous Stretches of Highway 151, {according The University of Northern Iowa's Traffic Safety Study, for IDOT}
in Linn County, Iowa.
'The Urban Area of Fairfax'???

I'll always...always....wonder.
We'll never know.
All of It...
Is Gone.


So is the 
I just spent writing this.

Just think...had This Mess...never happened, I might be writing about a Very Cool, 'Gnarly'...

One more wonder about...
What would've happened, if when Fairfax's hired engineer asked IDOT to be included in this Highway Project, and have the IDOT make accommodations for Fairfax's Trail... on, and under the Bridge...and IDOT District 6, would've said.... "Sorry, we have follow the law. We don't have the authority to condemn anyone's land, for a Trail. "

They all discussed that Law, in those Public Records. Sadly...I didn't see anything about them 'upholding' it...tho.

{this not sippin' flammable liquids, after 5...sure makes my thoughts...clearer. ; )
Who Knew??}

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