Monday, June 27, 2022

Country Sunshine

Spent a few hours...Sunday, with Kids...and Grandchildren.
; )

It was such a Pretty...beginning of a Sunday.

Took long walks...picked Mulberries...: )
Watched the Kids swim.
; )

I brought Pizza...for lunch, the Mulberries were Perfect for Dessert.
; )

Stopped at Home, to let Peanut outside, and saw the horrible accident, our corner.
: (
Let Peanut....outside, on her cable.
Can't let her run loose, next to 151.
She's, letting her run loose, anywhere...isn't an option.

Just got her a new cable.
When I went to let her back in the house.... a few minutes, after I let her out...
She was gone.
The snap on the end of the cable was broken.

I...started to call for her...frantically.
Raced...trying to get sight of her.
I did.
Right next to 151, behind the Ford, on Fairfax's soon to be paved Trail.


Praise God...when she heard me call to her, she came toward's my voice.
another few seconds...she'd have been dead.

I've seen it happen, before.
Our entire Family has..over the years.
151 is a Killer.
It's Just...That Simple.

Then...headed to meet with Josey Wales, our Lawyer.
{Ya Know...Ya have an Awesome Lawyer...when he works on Sundays.
; )
His Dad...Bulldog Bill, was our Lawyer...back in the 90's. 
Our first Battle, with IDOT.
John, and I met with him...many Sundays.
; ) }

So Grateful...Josey riding this Crazy Train...with us.
oh my Lord.
It takes a Very Sharp, Brave...Lawyer, with Grit...
to Stand Toe to Toe...
with The Machine...
called IDOT.
He's The Best.

We Thank God for Him.

Then...met with Bud, and Renate.
{Renate's Antique Gallery, Amana, Iowa.}

Bud told me about some Beautiful...Cast Iron Urns, that he thought I'd like, a Friend of his had.
He know's how much I adore...old...Garden.
So...thought I'd appreciate them.
; )

Nice...heavy...Load, of Cast Iron Urns.
Bud, and I loaded them... then, we all went out for supper.
{I...Love...Bud, and Renate. Good...Folks. <3 }

When me and The Ford pulled in, last night....
I've never felt so damned tired...'exhausted' my life.
Wasn't sure...I had the strength to make it to John's old...Lazy Boy.
oh my.

So much...coming from every direction.
Seeing, yet... another... 'accident', here....and, nearly losing Peanut... got me stumblin'.

Still feel a little...weak, this morning.
: (

Heading outside to trim...and do yard work.
It's going to be fairly cool, today.
Then...tomorrow...going to pour myself into the Marion, Iowa, Estate Sale.
{July 21-24}
After today...the Lawn...will have free reign...until after that Sale.

Everything get's out of hand...while working on these Sales.
{Great Lawyers, aren't the only Folks...who work 7 days a week. ; ) }

Gotta Get To It.
; )

Love to Ya...
Prayers, for All.

Barb C.

{It was GREAT...spending time in The Country, yesterday.
So Grateful...I didn't have to bury...yet, another four legged 'Family Member'...that 151 claimed. 

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