Tuesday, March 30, 2021

What a Ride.

It's been Crazy, on most every level, the last couple of days.
Way...too tired, on...most 'every level'...
to write, 
'put into words', 
what's all...transpired.

Some Good.
Some Great...
not, so great.
that brought me to my knees, with Love...
oh my.
<3 <3 <3 

Seems, every moment, of every hour...reveals...a lot of 'Emotion'.
It seems, moment...to moment, 'The Pendulum'...
Far....far, in Extreme,
 both ways.
Kinda...like ridin' a Roller Coaster.
; )
oh my.

I'll have to gather...my thoughts, over the next couple days, before I even attempt, to put them...into

What...a Ride.
What a Ride.
From One...Extreme.
The Other.

When, I do 'write'...it'll take me a few days...to share what's happened, over the last couple.

So Many...Stories.
oh my.
It was three years ago, tonight...
I took a Tumble, down these stairs.
crushed...a lot, of my body.
Sweetie, our Beloved...'Pit Bull', saved my life.
<3<3 <3 
{Fairfax, City Hall, 'Walking Trail'....Bullshit. Documents...Wrongfulness. oh..dear.
Bless...Your Heart's.
Ya'll somehow...knew better, but...sadly, didn't Give a Shit.
I, know...Exactly...how IDOT District 6, was Pulled in, and...by Whom.
Shame On You. }

Love to Ya...
Prayers, for All.

Barb C. 


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