Friday, March 19, 2021

A Good....Day.

Spent the Entire Day...with Miss. Scarlett, Little Jack, Liz...
Miss. Vivian, yesterday.
The two images...above, are of Scarlett.
10 years. 
Guess...we all, Blinked.

I gotta tell ya...
; )
Miss. Vivian, Totally...Cracks Me Up!!!
She's decided...
Her Grandmother, is an Alien.
; )
{Something...a few of us...have Known...for Years. ; ) <3 }

Out of Our 10 Grandchildren....
Miss. Vivian, is 'The One'...who's Absolutely Sure...
Her Grandmother, is from Outer Space!!!

Vivian...did, crack a Big Smile, when I handed her my new phone...with a Farmer Critter Cartoon, playing on it, yesterday.... : )

{I now have hundred's of Farmer Cartoon Images, on my phone...after Vivian played with it yesterday!!!
Miss. Scarlett, or...Justin 'J',  can figure out how to remove them, when I see them, at Miss. Scarlett's Birthday Party...tomorrow. <3 }

Liz brought all sorts of Treats, for the Kid's to snack on...yesterday.
: )
Stuff, we don't usually have around.
The Kid's were All...Covered in Chocolate.
: )

Love It.
Took them out for Pizza, then...D.Q. 

We were All...Bloated...Mess' the end of the day.

That's what Miss. Scarlett...wanted, so...That's what we did.

I'm headed to The Rabbit Hole.
Had Visitor's pop in...this morning, and...had another Visit, from The Amish, they are so much Fun!!!
: )

If I can make it to The Rabbit Hole's Door, without looking at the Wrongful...Carnage, it'll be a Good Day.

Love to Ya.
Prayers, for All.

Barb C.

Sure miss...those days, when I had time, and a 'mind'...that wasn't focused on Fairfax, and...IDOT District 6....Wrongfulness.
There was be concerned about, back...then, but.... 'This'.
Makes me think about it.
Grateful...for The Good Times.
I'm So Sorry...Miss. Vivian, had to meet...a Totally...Different 'Grandma'. 

Makes Me Sad.
; (
Bless Their Heart's. 
: (


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