Saturday, October 31, 2009
The 'Happy' Scare Crow...
Rescued Mary...
A 'God' Thing...
You know, once you see really do... I was so blessed, with a call today, from my friends Jeff and Nichole... They don't call often, we collect entirely different things, way different! The call was really cool, Jeff said, I saw these things at an auction today, and it was a 'God' thing... I knew I had to call you... hmmm. Then my daughter, Liz popped out, wanted me to do her 'face' and costume, tonight,{ Liz decided this, at 4:00 today...} she wanted to be a 'Scare Crow', like the one in the 'Wizard of Oz', {her favorite, all time movie... like me with'Gone With the Wind!} I couldn't remember what he looked like, so we got on the computer, and here is 'Over the Rainbow' playing.... Ya know, I had written earlier today, about 'Rainbows'... It truly is a 'God' Thing....
Barb C.
The Kids' House has Closed....
I know I have been kind of 'weird', for the past several months... Those that know me well, know I am just plain 'weird', all of the time... My life, it seems has been a Major 'roller coaster' ride, for really, the last 3 years... I attribute this, to my growing Faith... I know that seems strange.... But with every swoop, and dramatic, weightless drop...have also come blessings...immeasurable blessings... Now I could stand here, and list every hard blow, one by one, but what does it really matter... The point I am trying to make is this...With every hard knock, so comes a blessing... If you open your eyes, and look for them, even tho you may be hurting, or even crushed... Don't let those dark moments, steal your joy... You may suffer financial difficulties, betrayals, loss of a loved one, poor health and even loss of self.... Don't give up... I have learned, for everything, there truly is a season... When enduring raging storms, it is very difficult, to see the glimpse of a rainbow...It is there... {it may be in the opposite direction, that we have been focusing on, and come from a place you never would have dreamed... just as quickly as the disappointments, also attacked, in a split second, from places you never could have imagined...} We must have patience, and Faith...} The important thing to remember is, keep moving... I can not tell you, how many times, I wanted to do nothing more, than sit in the recliner, eat M&Ms, and channel surf, for my true friend, Sponge Bob... I made myself move...and every time I felt I was a my lowest point, I would receive a call from a friend, or receive an encouraging comment, on my blog, or even meet a stranger, who would give me the message I needed to hear... I swear by 'Streams in the Desert', it has carried me through, by teaching me to 'see' these blessings, more and more...everything truly happens for a reason...
This 'house' journey, has been a real walk with God... I have struggled with so many emotions, this entire summer, well, it all seems like a blurr...I feel like a student, who has just graduated, after a long, long session. I believe I see many things more clearly, and have grown a lot.
For a while, this summer, I felt as tho, my house was built on shifting sand... and the strong columns, I reached out to cling to, were crumbling at my feet... As I stood there patiently, and bewildered, the Lord truly opened my eyes... what a huge blessing... I now know which Column will stand, through it all.
The Kids are moving into THEIR new home, today...Baby due, any minute... An old friend, once told me, " God is never late..." I knew this all along... When I turned it all over to God...He put everything into the correct hands, ones that are truly beyond reproach....
The Kids have started their own journey, now.... It's for them to make or break... We all have a road we must walk, and endure many painful situations. Without them, well, I'll say it again, "It's the weights on the Old Grandfather Clock, that make it go...", and the most beautiful roses, would never be as grand, without some pretty severe pruning... Life has some painful circumstances, but if you never endure them, you could not grow, into the best you can be...
I thank God, for all the rocky roads he has sent my way. {my feet are getting pretty tuff}
My mind's a little foggy, { life has truly been intense, for sometime...} I think the most baffling thing, has been the enlightenment... all I can say is WOW...Maybe all the 'hard knocks' were the blessings...
{ I don't belong to any organized religion, as you see, I believe in God, and speak to Him throughout the day... He has carried me... and continues to do so... I slip and fall, make lots of mistakes, smoke, drink too much wine, occasionally, and stand on my 'soap boxes' more than I should... I wish the best for all, and pray for those who are enduring a crooked path...and have faith, that they too will see the Rainbow...}
Barb C.
Friday, October 30, 2009
To Lori {altered glass}
Sweet Lori 'Boo-ed' me on her blog... how sweet that talented little soul is...I love this blog...I have met soo many wonderful spirits here... They have listened, supported, encouraged, and fed my spirit. Lori has asked me to name some of my favorite blogger Buds... Just look at who I follow... I love them all, for so many reasons... If you go to their blogs, I think you will understand...
Barb C.
Good Folks...
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Cool Stuff! {Gears are Turnin'!}
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Oh, My Polly...Who Could Stay Mad...
Oh, my aching back...
I am on the 'gimpy' side today... I let Polly out, yesterday morning, put her on a leash, for a walk, and she was soo excited, she spun me around, and I really wrenched by back... It wasn't too bad, til I attempted to get up this morning.... I popped the 'Antiquer's Dream Pill' {Aleve} right away, and hope it will take hold soon....{ I can't go up and down stairs, or hardly walk....} I can't believe, after all the concrete, and massive furniture, I lug around, all it takes is a twist, to bring me to my knees! I had John put the coverlets up, to get pics, this morning...{He was overjoyed...} A gal from Michigan called, and inquired about them... hope this answers her question. I went to Amana, yesterday, and looked at one dated 1835, in Mustard, Red and Blue... I'm waiting on a price. I received a call, from Steve, who has 'Urban Country', in CA. I was in Iowa City, so they are going to pop in today, on their way to Chicago... These Guys are the Coolest Cats! They set up in Nashville, too, and are a riot! They have some very 'Funky' stuff! I can't wait to see them! {if I can make it to the shop...}
I'm going to go soak in the tub, and see if I can get loosened up...
'til next time,
Barb C.
Beautiful 'Blue and White' Coverlet {click on image, to enlarge}
1845 Blue and White Coverlet...
1868 'Hail Columbia' Coverlet...
Monday, October 26, 2009
Thankful...for the things, that didn't sell...
The 'Midwest Show' Story...
Oh my.... where do I begin.... I don't know where to start... On Saturday, well my fire just wasn't burnin'...I have done so many shows, lately, that I think I'm just a little burned out...I had commented, to my friend Bud, I just didn't have any more to give... I received a call, around 9:30 Saturday morning, that my cool green table, the anchor for the booth, was sold... {set up at noon} I didn't have anything else ready to go, didn't have twigs cut for the Amana trees, didn't have totes packed...didn't have....didn't have.... didn't have.... I recalled a wonderful primitive 10 and a half foot table, that my friend Cindy B. had at her store "Smokehouse Square Antique Mall" in Amana, got her on the phone, she let me take it, and had it ready, and waiting, outside when I landed the truck, at her store! What a Gal! I spied some evergreens, along the highway, on the way back home, gave them a quick trim, {bare handed, my hands will never be the same!}{ in 'Gone with the Wind', they say you can always tell a lady by her hands... I guess I'm out of the running!} All last week, I was positively sure, that I didn't have one cool thing left, to sell at this Amazing Show... Shame on me... I was lacking confidence, and you know where that comes from... As I was cleaning and getting things prepared for the show, it was like reuniting with a dear, old friend... And the friend was asking, "Don't you believe in me anymore? You aren't really buying into what other people say, are you?" So as I was struggling with my own inadequacies, I was pushing as hard as I could, to get everything done, and loaded... I normally take 12 to 20 totes of smalls, to a show...I took 3.... As everyone tells you, furniture is not selling, load heavy on smalls... My load consisted or primarily 'bigs'...{ I sold 70% of what I took...} The booth was thrown together, I overslept, Sunday morning, Mark had to double back, to pick me up....Oh yea, I was running with 3 legs, and tripping over them all...
But the Show was Awesome..... I saw soo many friends, I hardly had time to write tickets! It was hugs and kisses from everyone! Our booth was over run, and soooo many people absolutely loved it... Mark and I were in shock... I have never done this show, but people I didn't know, knew me, or should I say the booth... " Do you set up in Minnesota???" Yes, We do... " I knew it, I would know this look anywhere!", I love your booth at 'Gold Rush'! Again and again, we heard this... Several folks were disappointed, something they had wanted earlier, was now gone, not because they had to think about it, they couldn't get in our booth, it was full of people! Amazing...
We had many, many folks say, this was the Best 'Midwest Show', they have ever attended...The Show was absolutely Stunning. It was every bit as good as 'Heart of Country', in Nashville... {and if you don't know that show...I will tell you, I do... I have done it 12 times, and that is a Huge Feather, in any Show Promoter's Cap...} { I just visited with Tom Van Deest, one of the promoters, to find out what the attendance was, he said it was over a 1000, and people flew in from all over the country, and many that drove, came from long distances... He was very appreciative of all the vendors, and agreed with the customers, this was one Amazing Show!}
The phone has been ringing off the hook, with 'well wishers', wanting to know how it went. It went perfectly.... {and no one is more in shock, than me....} I stood total disbelief... I even had folks telling me, all day, that 'I' looked great, and that I clean up pretty well, one of my favorite customers, Gloria, even called this morning, to tell me her husband said, my husband, John had better not let me out of his sight...I'm looking pretty good} O.K. Now I get it...There was Truly a Hand of God, in all of this... but I always thought He made the Blind Man 'See', not the other way around.... I can not tell you, what a wonderful experience the Midwest Show was... All the Promoters were wonderful, all the vendors were wonderful, all of our neighbors were great, and the customers... well, they were all Angels... I tear up, as I'm writing this...really...
I put this show, in Gods hands... He knows the trials of this year... With all of my stumbling, and fumbling, He carried me...{and I'm not a little girl....} My 'blessings' came from every angle, just as the 'trials', have also come, from every direction...Where would I be, without my Faith... I admit, I wavered a lot, this past year... but still held on...When I read, today, in my 'Streams in the Desert', " Afflictions are often the dark settings, God uses to mount the jewels of His children's gifts, causing them to shine even brighter." It rang true... It's just having the Faith, to totally understand that, when we endure the Mountains, that lay ahead....
Was this the best show I have ever done...Yes and no... Monetarily, No.{ I brought very little..} Spiritually, Yes.... and how do you put a price on that... If I put a tag on it, it would read...Priceless....
Thank You, to all my friends, and many blog readers, who attended the show. Thank You for the kind words, hugs and kisses, for your purchases, and encouragement. You are all 'Priceless'...
'til next time,
Barb C.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Well...The Booth is Set...
It was like 'Old Home Week'! I didn't realize how many folks I know, that set up at the Midwest Show! Wow! And is it ever Amazing! SSSSooooo Many Wonderful Things.... I'll try and get images in the morn! My little Trees are all done, very sweet! The booth is quite sparse, for me, but everyone seemed to really like it! Liz and John, were a mighty big help, and Mark's Dad, also helped out a lot! I have to price things, in the morn. I'm hitting the sack early,
Hope to see ya!
Barb C.
Amazing Log Cabin Quilt, from my private collection...
Up Early!
I have got a million things to do this morning...I was sluff'in off too much this week... We have most of the Amana furniture ready to roll, and it is beautiful... I Love the simple way they created things... yet with wonderful craftmanship, that has withstood 100 plus years, and will go another 100... It has been my pleasure, bathing and spiffin' it up! I will be gathering smalls, and getting everything loaded this morning...{too wet to load yesterday!}
Hope to see you at the show!
Barb C.
Friday, October 23, 2009
The Old Dog...
A Masterpiece...
I spent the day yesterday, from pillar to post. Carolyn A. brought me out a beautiful, huge Ironstone Platter, to add to the stack I am building. I worked on a few pieces, got wet, and cold... Came in for a bowl of soup, sat down in the recliner, for a minute....and fell fast a sleep...
I don't nap... but I did for a little while...must have needed it... I am going to get the truck loaded today, we set up tomorrow afternoon. I will pack smalls, and might pull some Staffordshire out of the house... I don't want to, but those darned bills keep rollin' in! I can't wait to see the 'Amana Christmas Trees', all displayed out...I am keeping one for myself, I can't help it! I am going to dig, and find the absolute perfect, teeny, tiny ornaments for them...I'll keep it simple, yet elegant.
I have quite a few smalls, and am not sure, yet, how I will be displaying them. I'm sure it will come to me. It seems like, when all of my favorite things are all gathered together, they kind of just fall into the perfect place... People say I have a knack, for display...they give me way too much's all about the 'stuff'.... When it's given the opportunity to dance, it puts on a pretty good show!
I read Lori's post today {altered glass} and it really brought me out of my slump...if you have a minute, watch her u-tube piece... It got me thinkin' about the word 'junk', God doesn't make 'junk'... I refer to my stuff as junk, sometimes, but there's a story with that...Do I think it's 'junk'...oh no... in fact, it's the total opposite. I love the things, most people consider 'junk', { animals, and people too} Remember, when I said, my Father gave me the wonderful gift of seeing good in things, like the sickliest day old calf, or the 'once loved' old pony, or the gray muzzled, old dog, and the rusty old truck, that the farmer, long ago gave up on, and parked out in the field, to let rust away...Until my Dad walked out, into the field, with a battery, and some rusty wire, got'er goin', and we drove'r home... You see, there is no 'junk', if we learn to see the good in all... It's glorious beauty is there, and more beautiful than words could ever express. I try and show people that, when I bring this 'junk' home... What I gather, are the pieces with real soul, the survivors, that express warmth, with all the years of experience, and endurance that have withstood, in pride, the crooked journeys that life has dealt... You see, God doesn't make 'junk'... We are all a Masterpiece.... and without the journey, the canvas would remain blank...
'til next time,
Barb C.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
A Partial Listing of Gatherings...
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
A Pair of Cool Curved Top Windows...And a Great Day!
A Very Cool Load!
Sunday, October 18, 2009
A Ray of Sunshine...
Saturday, October 17, 2009
I know I should keep the blog, light and warm and fuzzy. But that isn't really honest... Life isn't always 'warm and fuzzy', and after thinking about it, I am thankful, for those very difficult times.
God's most beautiful jewels are often delivered in rough packages, by very difficult people, and circumstances.
We must trust in the Lord through the darkness, and honor Him with unwavering confidence even in the midst of difficult situations. The reward of this kind of faith will be like that of an eagle shedding its feathers is said to receive- a renewed sense of youth and strength.
I read parts of this, this morning, after visiting with a friend, who is enduring some rather immense difficulties, yet be overwhelmingly blessed at the same time... I went straight to my Streams in the Desert, and read this.{ the above paragraph} When I look back on my life, it is so true. When you are brought down to your knees, maybe that is exactly where you need to be. It is important to recognize these situations, and handle them with Grace...then hand them over to God...{something I am still working on...}I always refer to the Old Grandfather Clock, without the heavy weights, it would be nothing, but a useless piece of furniture, and never be able to do the important job, it was created for...
Keep forging ahead, you are never alone, those weights are there to make you strong, and you wouldn't have been blessed with them, if you were not worthy of them...
Barb C.
Friday, October 16, 2009
The Lone Daisy...
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