Saturday, October 28, 2023

The Rabbit Hole.

Got everything Done, I could... today.
While walking upstairs, tonight... noticed the Wonderful...
'Pumpkin Man', Peg gave me, long ago.
He watches 'Over'... Year Round.
: )

Pal, Allyson, gifted me with this Cook Book, recently.
It's vintage. Lovely.
Noticed it, the kitchen, while I was preparing Supper, tonight.

'Cross Creek'... 
has Great Meaning to this Property.
as do 
{few, 'know' 'that' story.}
oh my. 

Have several copies of 'Cross Creek', that Dear Friends, over Many Years, have Gifted me with.
<3 <3 <3 
They... are Priceless.
{as are the 'books'.}

John named His 'Business'.... 
'Cross Creek', decades ago.
When he moved to 'Fairfax'.

I've never read the book, but... I believe, John did, back... in 'The Day'.
maybe, that's why... I never have.

John deserved... Far Better, in my opinion, than what he was 'given' throughout his life.
: ( : ( : ( 

John paid DEARLY for This Land, In So Many Ways....
IDOT/Fairfax... has Wrongfully Taken.
{Condemnation... Twice... in 25 years. }

 anyone... thinks, for a moment...
 'let it go'....
: )
Think Again.

{We'll talk about 'The Rabbit's' later. oh my. }

Love to Ya...
Prayers for ALL.

Barb C.

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