Monday, October 16, 2023


So True.
; )

Sure do miss those days.
Seems 'life' has become so sadly 'serious'... over the last several years.
Somehow... we've got to find our way back, to the above... even...if it's just in tiny snippets.
: )
Think... that's what I love about The Rabbit Hole, so.
{Outside it's doors, not so much... 'After'.}
Inside... it's still the same.

Yesterday hooked up a new/used... stereo, in The Rabbit Hole.
The Sound... is So Good.
The old stereo, was very good, but, not This... Good.
: )
The old CD player went down, months ago... 
Not Good.
Blue Tooth, isn't a good option, it ties up 'Old Faithful'.
The Rabbit Hole, 'silent'... is kinda strange. : /
{Can't Stand It!!}

'Poor' sound, drives me almost as Crazy... as No Sound.
 It's difficult finding 'sound'... that's Just...Right, for The Rabbit Hole.
; )
when I find the Perfect Player... with Amazing... Speakers, 
make the mistake of leaving the CD Player... playing, 24/7... and wear them out.
: (
Won't do that, with this one.
I'll shut it down... when no one is there.
: (
{Seems Very Strange, walking in the door... to 'silence'. Eeeeeek!!!}
sacrifices must be made, to lengthen the life of the CD Player, this time.
: )

The Boys helped me set it up... yesterday.
: )
What a GIFT!!
: )
{I'd still be there... trying to figure it out. : ) }

When Alison Krauss's CD...{Pal, Bill...gave me. : ) }
 came through the Awesome Speakers... yesterday...
Oh... my Lord.
 It... was like the weight of the world, lifted off of my shoulders,
for a moment...
 The Rabbit Hole... 
 It's Old... 'Self'.

That's a Start.
: )

Love to Ya...
Prayers, for ALL.

Barb C.

{Gonna have to fill the Old... Covered Candy Dish, with Chocolate, again. : ) 
Over the years... I've played many Wonderful Artist's CD's, at The Rabbit Hole, while I work.
 : )
 When Alison Krauss' CD's , found their way there...
That... Was It.}
: )
She's Amazing. 

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