Saturday, October 14, 2023

A... little 'Life' left. No 'Taps'... today.

Last night, after being soaked, trying to take images of the flooding, in the pouring rain...
and, having 'Old Faithful',  Android... phone, have Convulsions... in my hand, while trying to capture those images...
oh my.
{I've Never seen a phone, or Anything... 'Do'... what that poor little Android, did.}
: (......
 Kept trying to re-start it... after I dried it, the best I could.
 It, would... 'start', for a moment, then... would go right back, to 
"Shutting Down".
: (.......
Truly thought... This Time, it's all...over.
: (
Began thinking of Everything... that little Android,
'Old Faithful'... does.
It's an alarm clock.
5:30 a.m. every morning... it gives me a Jolt!!
{ May not find my feet, but... none the less...
It Always Tries!! <3 }
It's my Watch, throughout the day..
Music Player.
basically... does All.. of the 'Business'.
It handles More... than my Lap Top.
<3 <3 <3

I've Always... been one of 'Those'... 
who get 'attached' to their 'Equipment'  
: )
One of 'Those'... who talk to their 'Vehicles'.... 
{Name Them... too. ; ) }
along with Every Piece of Hard Working 'Equipment'... that Saves my Butt, Daily!!
Drills, Coffee Makers... Old Cupboards, Old...Clocks, I, could Truly...
Go On...and On.
: )

Didn't let 'Old Faithful'... charge, last night.
Figured I'd let it dry out, over night, then... we'd Try again, this morning.
; )
We did.
Same, sad... story, as last  night.
: (
{All... I needed, were those 'Flooding'... images. Hated to lose Everything else, but...
Needed Those Images. <3 }

Last night, thought of the Stephen King... Novel/Movie, 'Christine'. 
: )
Yeah, it's people like me, that I'm sure... inspired Stephen King's Book!!
: )
{watched 'Christine' once, in 1983, or '84. That... was enough. : )  I'm not a Sci-Fi... person. : ) 
but, again... caught myself, Talking... Beggin'... 'Old Faithful', last night. : ) }

Plugged 'Old Faithful', in... as I was getting ready to head to Miss. Willow's, and Miss. Meadow's Birthday Party, this morning.

Checked 'Old Faithful'... one more time, before I walked out the door....
and guess... what.
; )

Old Faithful... had enough 'Life' left, to let me post these images, this morning.
<3 <3 <3 

It had enough 'Life'... to, mostly... let me capture a few images of Meadow, and Willow's Birthday.
A Few.
I'll post them, tomorrow.

When I got Home, last night...
let Miss. Peanut, outside, like always.
It...was raining.
Knew she wouldn't stay 'Out' long.
: )
When... I opened the door, to let her inside...
Water! Water!!!
: (
Let Peanut In...
Grabbed 'Old Faithful'... and started taking pictures.
The Pouring Rain.
: (

So...little 'rain', but... enough, to show... a Snippet, of What Is To Come With REAL Rain, after 
IDOT's Encroachment, for Fairfax's 'TRAIL'
The ELEVATION... for Fairfax's...
'Bike Trail'.
'Walking Trail'.
'Pedestrian Trail'.
Whatever... THEY Want to 'Brand' It.
: (
It's a TRAIL'!!
Which... IDOT Has No Authority To Condemn Land For.
They Breached Our 'Recorded Agreement'.

Here... we are.
: (
Draught Year.
Little Rain.

Stephen King... needs to write a Novel... about 'This'.
: (
I'm going to.

The Angels, I Truly... Believe, breathed... a little more 'Life', into 
'Old Faithful', today.
: )

So Grateful.

Love to Ya...
Prayers, for ALL.

Barb C.

{Love... the 'Eleanor' clip.  from 'Gone in 60 Seconds'. 
How... 'Many' Times. }
; )

{ sorry, when I wrote this post,
initially, misspelled 'Stephen'. 😞}

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