Friday, October 20, 2023

"If you can't do it with Feeling... don't." Patsy Cline.

The above Patsy Cline... quote, struck home with me... many decades ago, when I first heard it.
Was thinking about it, again...last night.
again, this morning, when Friend, Colleen, called...
asking if I would fill in, at The Collector's Eye Show.
Asked Colleen, to give me a moment... to process, I'd let her know right away.
: )
{Colleen,{Daryl}...  Dale... Cathy, and Thom, {Promoters of The Midwest, and Collector's Eye Shows}
Always... Always... help me, when I call. <3 Always.}

Thought about it, for a moment.

I'd have to pull a load together... quick.
See if I could get Helper, Brandon... on board.
Just... set a 'bare bones' Simply Iowa...booth.
at That Moment....
Last Year's memories... of filling in at The Midwest Show, 'last minute', 
came rushing into my brain.

It was Such a Wonderful Show!!!
: )
Seeing So Many People... Old Pal's... I hadn't seen 
Maybe... one the Best Booths, we've ever Pulled Off!!
Came in, last minute... with 'Leftovers' from many back to back... 'Events'.
The Old Soul's... 'Leftovers'... Danced So Beautifully, So
Incredibly... Soulfully, together.
: )

but... also, remembered...
 when I arrived at the Show, early... Sunday... morning... to
 'Finish Up'...
my hand's were trembling.

I was absolutely Drained... before the Show opened.
then, had to Crank It Up... and 'Sell'.
; )

Colleen, this morning, like Thom... last year, said...
"Don't worry about having a 'great' booth, just... come."
: )

Those Show's... are So Incredible, oh my...
There's no way, I could do either of them...
'half way'.
: (
When you 'do' an 'Event'... you are representing The Old Souls, and... your 'Business'.

Called Colleen back, right away... this morning, Thanked Her, for thinking of me... and, I sure hated to say 'No'... but, I did.

Shared Patsy Cline's 'quote', with Colleen, as well.
; )
She... understood. 

I'm going to work on The Rabbit Hole, today... be Open, through Sunday.

Picked up a load, yesterday... from a Dear Neighbor's Home, who...sadly, passed away, last year.
Have to sort... and get The Rabbit Hole, in some kind of order.
: )
{It's been Majorly Neglected, for the last several Years. : ( }
I'm still kinda weary, and in Need of  doing things at my own pace, for a bit.
; )

Visited with Thom, this morning.... as well.
: )
I'll Sure Be There... First Thing Sunday Morning, when The Show Opens, to Shop!!
but... then, come Home, to The Rabbit Hole, and be Open, Sunday afternoon.
; )
Thom.. understood, as well.

Had this Fall, not been so Crazy Busy, Sure would've helped them out.
It's difficult, we Know... with the Anamosa Vintage Market Show...
{January 21, 2024}
how losing Vendors at the last minute, makes us All Scramble!!
: (

Colleen, and Daryl Alpers.
: )
They helped at Marion's... They are Both So Incredibly Knowledgeable!!
Colleen, has helped me So Much... over the Decades.
Wish... I had a little more to give, these days.
: (

{ Colleen, and I... have shared booths together, from Minnesota, to Nashville. 
: )
She... knows, what a 'Freak'... I am, when it comes to 'The Booth', at an Event.
A 'simple'... booth, never.... seems to turn out, that way.

Love to Ya...
Prayers, for ALL.

Barb C.

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