Friday, October 13, 2023

So small.

The above popped up on Memories... the other day.
: )
The Ford belongs to a Neighbor.
The Kid's and me... were looking at several things to purchase at the Neighboring  Farm, that day.
Could've purchased the Ford... Loved It...
but, couldn't imagine being the purpose of cutting down the Tree.
What an Amazing... Wonder.

The above...popped up, too.
My,, how things have changed, in front of our Home.
: (
The above... is 'before' Fairfax's IDOT Bike Trail.
When we weren't the ditch.

This morning.
: )
Went out... in my old flannel robe, barefooted, in the rain... bright and early, and tweaked those plastic IDOT tiles, again.
Good thing I did.
One was holding a bunch of water.
: (

We're getting a little... much needed rain, which... is great,
{we're in a horrible draught.}
when it brings water into your Home, and it never did... 'before'.
I've been fiddling with the 'several years old', now... 'temporary' IDOT fix, in hopes...
they are positioned 'Just Right', and the water will stay outside.
We had to move them, so people wouldn't trip over them during The Fall Harvest Sale.

Was up late last night... reading over a document, concerning all of this.
Had horrible nightmares, of flooding.
Dang it.
Don't feel like I've slept a wink.

Feel so guilty, about complaining... about what's happening in our 'Fishbowl'... when I see, so many... suffering here, and around the World.
These... never ending issues, here... are so small, incredibly small... compared to what so many are dealing with.
So much heartbreak.
: (....

Praying for All... who are suffering, every day.

Love to Ya...
Barb C.

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