After leaving the Kids, Jethro..and, I...made a quick stop....at my 'Happy Place',
near Keystone, Iowa. <3 <3 <3 } |
Went to visit...little Jack, and the Kids....Friday Evening.
I'd wanted to get there, earlier...
but, a Dear Friend, stopped by, who is going through...so, so...much.
: ( : ( : (
I, wanted to hold her...in my arms, so, so...much.
Before this 'virus'....when there were no words, to comfort...
at least...
you could Hold...those who are Hurting, so deeply, in your arms...
heart, to heart,
soul...to soul.
: ( : ( : (
When she went on her way...I gathered up a couple of old, rusty...
TONKA Trucks, for Jack.
: )
I needed to get fuel...
and, after I thought about it, for a minute, decided....to go on into Town...
get Jack, a 'New' Toy.
Wasn't sure...he'd truly understand Grandma's...'Gnarly'...ones.
: )
Stopped to get fuel, first...and realized I'd left my debit card, in my other shirt pocket.
I was very low on fuel...so, pre paid....with the last little bit of cash, I had, that would get me to Target, and back...
{I have a Target debit, so thought...instead of turning around, and taking detours back Home...
I'd get cash, for more fuel, and Jack's card...at Target.}
{ZING!! hahahaha...oh my. Nothing comes easy, for an old...Mad Hatter. ; ) }
Did the Birthday shopping, headed to the station, to...stand in line, once again, pre pay, and fill up.
I, thought 10.00 more, should get it close, but not go over.
I paid, went back to Jethro...
the pump wasn't set.
So...I waited a minute, watched the Clerk, she was so busy.
Long Line...waiting.
Finally, I decided to walk back to her.
Stand in line...to tell her there was a problem.
By the time I reached her, someone else, had put the 10.00, in her vehicle...at the wrong pump.
: (
The Girl...who took my fuel, walked up, to purchase something.
The Clerk asked her if she'd just gotten 10.00 of fuel, without paying for it....
the Girl...looked a little surprised, but...said..."Yes."
The Clerk said... "You have to pay her that 10.00, because that was hers."
I, looked at the Girl...I could see her mind, trying to figure out, what had just 'Happened'???
: )
I tossed the Clerk, another 10, and told the Girl...
"Merry Christmas."
: )
oh my....
Got MY FUEL...and, went on...to see little Jack, and....Kids.
<3 <3 <3
Then, on the way....
two different people, in Chevy trucks, passed me...then slowed up, for no reason.
When I tried to pass...they wanted to Race.
: (
They wouldn't let me around them.
Each, sped up...so, each time...
I backed off...and continued following.
I was in no mood for 'Racing'.
The way my luck has been running, I was sure...as soon as
There'd be a Deputy Sheriff, just ahead.
; )
{I...was right, Both...times. ; ) }
oh my.
When I got to the Kids' house...
I, was pretty fried.
Jack was So Excited...to See what I had in the sack.
: )
He loved the little Matchbox Monster Trucks. : )
His Mama, couldn't unwrap them quick enough!
We stood outside, and visited....for awhile.
Then, before I left...I thought I'd grab the old, Rusty...
TONKA Truck, and Digger....from the Trunk, and put them in his outside Toy Box.
Jack, was just walking out of the house...
Stopped in His Tracks...
when he saw what I was carrying.
Those new Toys, were Forgotten, and...out to the Garden he went...
Lugging...the Old...Dump Truck, and.....started Haulin' Dirt!!!
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3
That, made my Day.
<3 <3 <3
One of the Kids' Farmer Friends, who has done so much...for the Kids, since they moved there...
stopped by.
We were talking about my 'Happy Place', not far from there...
where I lived, as a little girl.
{Where I drive back to...every Easter Sunday.}
He said...looking very puzzled...
"I remember that place. I used to drive school bus.
I...remember...picking up a little girl there, years ago.
That house has been gone, for years."
Then...he said...
"I just got Chills."
; )
He said..."There were several buildings there."
Yep, I said...
A Big Barn, and a Big...Chicken House, there was a wire Corn Crib, out back.
when I go there, sit....in the drive, gazing at what used to be...
is, in my mind...
if I'm lucky...
I can hear the old screen door slam, on the porch...
of that Grand, Old...Farm House.."
: ) : ) : )
As we parted, I Thanked...him, over, and over...
for watching out, over the Kids.
{They Adore Him, and...several Others, who've taken a Shine to Them. <3 }
Told him, he probably...has no idea, how Grateful...I am.
I, just...haven't been there for them... since John passed away.
There's been too much Loss, over the last 6 years.
Too many Battles.
When Others...step up, and step in...and help Carry, during these troubled times, I...can't begin, to say how Grateful...I am.
May God Bless, those Kindhearted, Caring...Folks.
<3 <3 <3
Today, it's 6 years since John left us.
He left us on the 25th., but....it fell on the Sunday, before Memorial Day, that year.
This morning...was difficult.
: (
I woke up...early, and... kept watching the clock.
Still am.
As the minutes...slip by,
I remember, exactly what was happening each moment, of that Sunday, before Memorial Day,
6 years ago.
: ( : ( : (
Lives can be torn apart...in a matter of moments.
I, often...often... think of
as happening, or being...
'before' John...left, and...'after'...John, left.
It's like...living two very, very...different lives.
John...took a whole lot...of me, with him.
There's a part of me, that feels John with me....all the time.
: ) <3
There's another...part, that is totally...gone.
I feel like a bird, trying to fly....with one wing.
I Miss Him So.
I...Miss, the part of myself, that went away... with him, six years ago.
: (
Love....to All.
Thank You, for Your Powerful Prayers.
There are So Many...who are Suffering, and Struggling.
Prayers, are So Very....Important.
<3 <3 <3
Barb C.
{I couldn't decide...what I'd do today. Usually, we'd be having the Big...Memorial Day Weekend Sale, and...I'm beyond busy.
With the road torn up, and...'virus' mess, no sale.
I'm gonna scrub the floor, downstairs.
: )
John...always cleaned, and polished the downstairs floor, and was always so proud of how it Shined, when he was done.
I won't do nearly, as good of a job, as he did...
but, I know...he'll be close, watching over.
<3 <3 <3 }
{Just got done...scrubbin' floors, sat down... listening to music.
A Tune....popped up, I hadn't thought about, for a long time.
'Sing me back Home', by Merle Haggard.
<3 <3 <3
Merle, was so much like John.
I've always...always...Loved Merle Haggard, since I was very young.
When I met John....I, thought...he was cut from the same cloth.
Workin' Man.
Hard Workin' Man.
: )
with...a Huge, Tender...Heart.
John, had been through Hell...when he was young.
He could've so easily...with, Everything...he'd endured, no fault, of his own...
turned out so much differently.
What a Man.
<3 <3 <3
As our neighbor, Tom...said, a while back...
while we were visiting, One to One.
"I never had the opportunity to get to Know...John.
I knew, he was a Good Man,
I also...knew....he wasn't anyone I'd ever want 'Fuck' with."
That's a Fact...
{Unless...He Loved You.}
<3 <3 <3
Tom, Nailed...It.
At John's 'Celebration of Life'...
I had Merle Haggard Music, playin' throughout.
What a Gift, that this...tune, popped up.
<3 <3 <3 }