Old computer, that's filling in for the newer, crashed, yesterday.
Down to Doing Everything, including Blogging, on my Android.
Won't be able to post music.
Can't open certain documents... from email.
The furnace is down, at The Rabbit Hole....
Sometimes, All Ya Can Do...
Taking the Android in, today... and Hopefully... figure out How to get the Email to Sync.
Gonna Bundle Up, and work in The Rabbit Hole, this afternoon.
Want to be Open next week, have a little... Christmas Cheer, there.
Furnace should be Rockin' by the first part of the week.
Gonna have to start Hunting for another laptop.
Was looking at memories from FB, this morning.
I remember the night I brought The Girls...
Pal, Dave Johnson...
sent the above, to me 7 years ago.
Sometimes, I get so incredibly frustrated...
but, sure am Blessed.
So Incredibly Grateful, for Those...
I've been so Incredibly Fortunate to Meet, on this insane journey.
It's Unbelievable, looking back,
{Just Yesterday}
There's Always an Angel,
Reaching out a Hand, when we stumble.
Guess thinking about Dale Beeks' passing, has made me think of All of The Wonderful People, I've been so Incredibly Blessed to have had cross my path, and Those who've Ridden this Insane...
Crazy Train.
If nothing else,
None of Us can deny...
'It's ALWAYS... A Frickin'
We're still in The Game.
Love to Ya...
Prayers... For All.
Barb C.
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